Post your favorite quotes and expressions here

Spoiler alert, the quote might be misattributed to Aristotle.

Aristotle did convey the idea of virtue as a mean between two extremes; e.g. bravery falls somewhere between cowardice (a deficiency) and recklessness (an excess), and not necessarily square in the middle. To your point, though, I wouldn’t say that a virtue (e.g. bravery) could be turned into a vice. By Aristotle’s framing, bravery never becomes recklessness or cowardice, but is always some intermediary between them.

I agree the quotation casts apathy and tolerance as “virtues” in a darkly ironic way - to say that they aren’t really virtues at all; they wouldn’t be worth their weight as virtues or earn the name.

So what about tolerance - is it a virtue at all?

I take it he means the latter. It doesn’t make much sense to me the other way.

It’s been a strong and familiar experience, that’s the reason I like the quotation.


Terence was a man, fuse. Why would he say "I am [a] man if he was speaking in the universal sense?

I posed that question because of all the great inhumanity to man that has existed in this world.
Can all the chaos and tragedy and despicable acts that have been perpetrated and existed throughout history be so familiar and comfortable to us ~ that we can make that statement.

“Nothing human is foreign to me”.

Maybe the word “foreign” needs to be defined here. Maybe he was being ironic.

We are homesick most for the places we have never known.

Carson McCullers

You can’t go home again

Thomas Wolfe

  • So tell me something,
    how does a girl like you end up… a girl like you?
  • Just lucky, I guess


The happiness is not a feeling, it’s a personal decision

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Teilhard de Chardin

“The split in you is clear.There is a part of you that knows what it should do, and a part that does what it feels like doing”

From ‘Self Rescue’ by
John Cantwell Kiley

“The world is full of people who are educated beyond their intelligence.” anonymous dad

I did not see much tolerance and apathy in Nazi Germany.

Plato, Sophist, 244 a.

To succeed in life you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.-Reba McEntire


A moment of patience in a moment of anger will save you a hundred moments of regret.-Buddha

“What is our life but this dance of transient forms? Isn’t everything always changing: the leaves on the trees in the park, the light in your room as you read this, the seasons, the weather, the time of day, the people passing you in the street? And what about us? Doesn’t everything we have done in the past seem like a dream now? The friends we grew up with, the childhood haunts, those views and opinions we once held with such single-minded passion: We have left them all behind. Now, at this moment, reading this book seems vividly real to you. Even this page will soon be only a memory.”
― Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

A calm mind is the ultimate weapon against any challenge in life- Buddha

[i]“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes.”

Mark Twain[/i]


A lotta truth to that, Gloom…
