The Ultimate Fitness Thread

A lot of people that are inclined to get in shape never keep enough motivation and dedication to accomplish their goals. I have been there as well. I’ve been the one who has made their idiotic New Years resolutions, and vengeful promises of bulking up from my genetic disposition. Many of you guys will agree that is flat out sucks being short and skinny. As a kid you are a walking “beat me up” sign. Luckily that didn’t happen to me. My Napolean Complex would have been worse.

But I’ve been going straight to the gym for 14 months straight now by myself. And although I’ve put the time and effort in, and I’ve seen much ~ much ~ much improvement. I am still a novice.

So if anybody out there has some pointers, words of motivation / wisdom, knowledge, and anything to add to help me on my goal, I would gladly appreciate it.

Here are some personal stats.

When I joined the Marine Corps in 2001 I left New York City standing at 118lbs. (I had to gain weight to join, the minimum was 115.) I left Boot Camp three months later at 137 lbs pure muscle. lol

At the start of Feburary of last year I began working out at 124lbs. Right now I’m at 148lbs and can not seem to pass 150 at all. I know I’m getting stronger, but I must be doing something wrong. Even at 148lbs I am very comfortable with the way my body has developed.

My goal isn’t to be like Arnold from Conan: The Barbarian, but more like Bruce Lee. On yea!!! So I’m aiming at 180lbs, and I’m 5’9. I take some supplements, and I watch my Carbs. That’s about it.

First, congrats on your progress thus far. :slight_smile:

I’ve worked out straight for the past 5-6 years, and can relate to hitting the weight plateau . I don’t know your routine, but generally guys do not work out their legs. If you fall into this category, start working out your legs with the same intensity you lift chest and back (i.e., don’t fake it :slight_smile: ). Not only will it increase your chest size and strength (seriously, it will), but you’re overall balance will improve as well. Another thing to do is mix up your routine. If you’ve been doing the same routine for over 2-3 months, your muscles begin to expect what’s coming to them, which is bad for adding size and increasing strength. Also, you need to eat like a horse. Eat all the time- about 5-6 times a day. I’m assuming you have a fast metabolism, so you need a caloric intake of around 5000-6000. A pound of muscle needs (if I remember correctly) 3000 excess calories to develop per week. You’re probably burning about 3000-5000 calories a day, so it is important to make sure your body is getting enough calories to turn all of your hard work into actual muscle.

Another thing to remember, is that weight doesn’t really mean that much with respect to how big you appear. I weigh a little over 185, and people are surprised by the truth because they think I weigh closer to 220. Weight can be a misleading indicator to your size. I remember someone telling me Arnold only weighed 190 or 200 when he won Mr. Universe at one point. Go figure. Besides, 180 at 5’9’’ is closer to Arnold than it is to Bruce Lee.

And Smooth, what supplements are you taking? I’ve always steered away from that stuff, as the majority of it is really not good for you. Protein shakes are about all you should really be using.

Christ, writing this makes me feel like an absolute meathead. Usually I only feel this way when I get back from the tanning salon. :wink:

Gracias. I really never thought that I could have done it. So now my mind is just pondering the possibilities.

Are you serious? Working out your legs will increase my chest size? Cool, I never knew that.

My routine is simple. Now that I’m out here playing war games, I don’t drink any alcohol and I rest often due to the fact Iraq doesn’t have much night life.

I work out on an every other day basis. I’ll do chest - tri’s on day 1. Day 2 is a rest day, back - Bi’s on day 3. Day 5 is legs, shoulders, traps, and abs. Then repeat. I do three excersizes per muscle group, three sets each. Each set I aim for 8 reps. I run about 10 minutes before my workout.

But I must admit, I don’t put as much intensity to my leg and ab workout as I do to my back.

I’m taking Cell-Tech and Whey Protein. That protein gets me farting like crazy, but right now I can’t take them. Some idiot told me there was not going to be a gym out here. So I didn’t want to take the Cell-Tech without working out, and now I feel like I’m shrinking back up.

So Matthew, I spoke to my Coporal about what you said about Legs. He has been body building for about three years and by looking at his physical appearence I can tell it has more than have paid off for him. Well in either case, I told him what you said. And oh boy, did this guy made me suffer.

He had me doing squats, leg presses, leg raises, hamstring curls and seated calf raises. And two days later I’m still falling over because my legs can’t handle my own weight. I always thought that was pushing myself on leg day, in fact I’ve been pushing myself on all days.

But one workout with him and I’m in so much pain. It is obvious that my form and my intensity wasn’t up to par.