Warcraft 3

Anyone play it? I need it to live.

Yeah. The undead are my favorite race. I use to play it quite a bit at uni (we have a computer network of over 20 computers hooked up) in my first year. But it got old pretty quickly for me. Strangely, Starcraft has always held my interest…a little too well. I had to erase it off my computer last semester because it was beginning to invade upon my homework/girlfriend/friends/me time.

What’s your take?

I play it 2v2 mainly with a mate of mine, me NE and him Undead. We play the expansion now but to be honest I think the original was a lot better. WE’ve found that the majority of people who play 2v2 rush you with heros at the beginning which is just annoying and we make them suffer for it dearly. Usual tactic is the TH rush kill where we rush one of their bases early and destroy their TH. Lvl8s, nothing special, but a good laugh and thankfully I don’t have a homework/girlfriend/friends/me time for it to wreck :wink:

I loved Warcraft, but I think the one I played was either the first or the second, I can’t remember. Right now I’m playing Neverwinter Nights. It is the best 3D RPG I have ever played, and would suggest playing anything by Forgotten Realms. Diablo is good, but nothing compared to NN.

Did you ever play Command and Conquer? I think its made by the same company that made Warcraft. Same deal, just set during the WW2 period.

Early hunts own.

I am an exclusive NE player, and yes I abuse the BM.

I play TFT on US EAST, under the name Seraphic

For those confused…

NE - North East

BM - Bowel Movement

TFT - Tit For Tat

Just a little clarification that I felt was needed.

Ok I haven’t played any 1v1 on the expansion pack at all but the BM sucks on 2v2, besthe’s got is his fire cloak thing, which is great later on but ealry game is useless. Mana burn’s ok, but not good at the beginning as it only takes off 50 out of 300 and the dode thing is useless until it’s at least lvl2. I used to use the blade master as he rocked in the originalbut in the expansion the horse guy is definatlely the way to go.

With entangle it’s almost a guaranteed hero kill, especially in 2v2. Also auras are a lot more cost effective in the long run, especially 2v2 as they help both your sets of units.

In 2v2 we are constantly being hero rushed and we win 70% of the time if you hero rush because you’re gonna lose one if not both your heros, which is at least one unit down, if not two, by the time we hit you. And if you use your TP? Night night, you can’t save your town hall, game over, unless playing really good players.

BM as in BeastMaster. NE needs a bit of muscle, and bears do that nicely.

I beat the hell out of hero rushers. All you need w NE is a well-constructed base.

Those bears are rather hard. The only problem with playing the tactics I do is that we never really get to lvl3 units, or let others get there either, so I really have no idea what all the funky new units do :slight_smile: Might as well be playing the original, though the balances are all different admittedly.

What really sucks is that i suck at it no matter how much i play it. My first account i ever made (and the one i started using again recintly) is Frighter. add me to your friends if your on there any of you and we can do an AT =) (unless my record turns you off :frowning: )

I used to play quite a bit, along with Age of Mythology, but i’ve pretty much stopped playing RTS games - waiting for World of Warcraft.



I play TST with DM and sometimes GMT with the SP expansion pack. I like CT better than GMP because of it’s DLP advantages. :laughing: