Hello from a new registree.

Peculiar, Australian, Jews all in one sentence. :astonished:

Greetings EVH5150.

Just help yourself,
to my lips, to my arms
just say say words and they are yours.
Just help yourself…bla blah bla.

Yes Jedi_Pockey! Religion has been the forerunner of many things (like philosophy), and although i am atheist, i enjoy and relish many religious ideas, even though i remain aware of the dangers that can accrue from a dogmatic intolerant view (whether it be atheist, religious or otherwise.) Few and far between have been the theologians willing to discuss their views on a rational unemotional level. Jay Brewer who signs on as a guest, comes to mind.

The board is profoundly secular, about the only part of my World that is…

I’m reading Frederick Copleston’s (catholic Priest) History of philosophy, which in the middle ages at least, reads almost like a history of religion. I find that stuff somewhat interesting, but probably more from an historical perspective.

I prefer the term “brilliant and original”, but radical comes close to describing the thought i relish.

I’ve perused the dead sea scrolls, the Koran, portions of the Bible, the dhammapada, i’ching, Martin Buber’s i and thou, paul Ricoeur’s symbolism of evil, a lot of Jiddu Krishnamurti who’s thought i greatly admire, and others. I especially like Buddhism. Indian mythologies i find colorful too.

hi… look forward to speaking to u. I’m new here too. :slight_smile:

Welcome to our campfire jgfan!

I have been wanting to have what I call ‘intelligent conversation’ for a while and I searched for a philosophy forum, this one seemed like the best one for me to join. Why did other people decide to join this forum?

My search method sounds identical to yours. I realized i needed to join a philosophy forum because in my locale noone even knows what that polysyllabic word means. So i looked in an internet search engine, felt that this was the best one, and my life has been filled with eternal bliss and happiness ever since.

I guess i joined ILP in order to talk to people about philosophy and religion. I don’t know any Jewish people locally for instance and here i can converse with Jews and other people from diverse backgrounds that i wouldn’t normally encounter in everyday life. I can learn from people who are studying philosophy in universities, i can share what little knowledge i have acquired on the subject, i can talk to people who have read the great literary classics of our time. I can debate with people who have considered the basic questions and thus hone my own thought. I can laugh, cry, share a spiritual insight, learn what it means to be human.

Marshall, you’re jewish?

  • ben

I always thought Marshall would be Irish, living on the East Coast and with a surname like McDaniel.

I am not Jewish. I am of Irish/Scottish descent, i just like learning about other cultures and ways of life.

Hello im God, ive followed this website since it started and now i felt it was time to introduce myself before thee. There are many topic’s and post’s ive found interest in, as well as some characters here :wink: and i feel it is time for thee all to know my wisdom.

I hopeth i may enlighten the path thee all take. :sunglasses:

Sincerely God.

Not to be pedantic God, but I’m curious as to why your post has so many grammatical errors in it. I have always assumed that God would speak and write perfectly. Perhaps you are trying to tell us something about the english language? :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, nice post God. :smiley:

Grammar is of little importance.

I knew it! My English teacher just wouldn’t believe me. That shows her!

Never be limited by syntax.

Ive just been reading through the religion section.

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Despite many of your doubts, it still has more topics and posts then the science section.

The religion section itself is limiting me to religion.

Be careful God. The dogmatic Warrior Monk wishes to expostulate and change your evil ways. :smiley: :astonished: :evilfun:

I’m glad to see God is also a fan of Conan O’Brien. :smiley:

He really is a swell guy.

God or Conan O’Brien?

Syntactical ambiguity. God is the swell guy, i’m not faniliar with Conan O’Brien.