Let Me Introduce Myself

Greetings my fellow philosophers

Thanks to the almighty Google I have stumbeled upon this vivid community. After a short investigation I have found this forum to be both enlightening and entertaining. Therefore, I have registered myself and thus here I am introducing myself…

I took the liberty of indulging myself with a few tests from emode suggested in the psychology section:

IQ Test: 129

Inkblot Test: Curiosity

Freud Test: Young Child

Indeed, I didn’t really introduce myself and I tried and failed to talk like an arrogant philosopher :smiley:

Google is heaven sent! Especcially the image search! Obscure is the Google Guru!

Welcome to ILP.com! I have made this my cyber home. Hope your quest for knowledge finds a better direction within these forums!

greetings cuboidz…
interesting way to introduce yourself. curiosity is the first step to learning in my opinion. hooray for you. see you around!