What's your favorite candy?

:astonished: mmmmmmmmmmmm sugar covered frosted flakes mixed with pixie stix powder

sour patch kids

oops, I just realized that in some drunken fit, I posted two threads of the same subject. Can someone delete this?


steak isn’t candy! :laughing:

maybe I should have said Lollies.

Peanut M&M’s.

The genitalia of the sex opposite.

I knew you loved the c*ck, WM.

I’m sticking with Steak. Candy rots yer teeth, Steak is yummy, should be capitalized in the middle of a sentence.

Monk is asked what his favorite candy is and he replies-

“The genitalia of the sex opposite.”

Shame on you, Monk. What would Jesus do? The Buddha, even? Well, I’ll tell you what they wouldn’t do, and that’s “love the things of the flesh,” right? This won’t look good on yer resume, Monk, and I know Kant won’t have it.

You really messed up big this time, bud.

The almond M&M’s.

Without a doubt.

They deliver all that is desired in a candy. The affordability, the convienient package, the sugar, the chocolate, the crunchiness, and the nutrition in the almonds. Perfect.

They melt in your mouth, not in your hand, as well.

What more could one ask for in a candy?

how fitting… warrior monk loves kunt :stuck_out_tongue:

I come from UK but I love foreign sweets better than cadburies. Occasionally I can get Hershey’s cups, and I also love Pollys (which you can get from IKEA) and Kinder chocolate.

Chocolate CHOCOlate, CHOCOLATE! (preferably used as a covering for nuts).


In shops the majority of sweets are chocolates. One famous example of a gorgeous sweet that doesn’t contain chocolate is Campino especially Campino strawberry and cream. mmm.