A word of wisdom from my philosophy lecturer


I liked this quotation so much I just had to give it a voice here…

““I’m entitled to my opinions”. What rubbish! Whether you are or are not entitled to hold and express an opinion on a subject depends on whether you have thought long and hard about it, are familiar with the evidence, and can handle objections. As a rational being, you are entitled to think for yourself, and to try to arrive at a settled view for yourself. But this is a right to think for yourself, to form your own opinion – it is not a right to affirm and defend any old prejudice.”

  • Andrew Pyle talking about How to write a Philosophy essay.

What about people like me that haven’t had the chance to look at the entire extent of the subject. What if it seems inherently wrong, but I can not come up with the citations to prove my reasoning? I can’t voice my opinion in a tactfull way?