Hey...hope I'm welcomed :)

Hey all, I’m just coming in to say hi since I’m new.

I guess I could tell you who I am a little :slight_smile: I’m a student in Buffalo New York, and I love debating. I’ve even started my own little experiment, but I’ll get specific on that when I’m a little more post savvy :wink: I’ll post here a little bit just because I can’t really get involved on my own site-it’s just not cool for an admin to debate with visitors IMO

Please offer any advice for posting here, and help me get into this place :slight_smile:



Greetings Sean,
welcome to our niche on the internet and I hope that you find the posts presented here to be of great interest and insight to your life. I also hope that you will stay around for a while, until you find our addictive powers hidden within, at which point you will be all ours…WUUUHAAHAHAAHAHAHA!! cough cough* spit …deep breathing. JUST KIDDING!

On a serious note, you ask about advice to getting in - well you already are in. All you need to do is sign up as you already have. All that remains is for you to find a way to STAY with us. Unfortunately, for me to give you advice about how to stay would take forever, that’s why we have disclaimers. Nevertheless, I will tell you that two virtues I look for in all posters are the following: (1) BE NICE when someone disagrees with you or has a differing opinion (no sarcasm, demeaning words, and phrases like “that’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard”). Now, if someone is rude to you first, well, personally I stand my own ground and deal with the person my own way…which as you may have noticed has earned me the title of Gadfly of ILP (ILovePhilosophy) - in case you didn’t know, Plato(philosopher - read ‘The Apology’) was considered the Gadfly of Athens, a gadfly being a very irritating person or one who goads others into actions through criticism. (2) Be honest. No matter how different your views are, no matter how screwy a topic you want to discuss, no matter how personal a topic you are sharing with us or are responding to - nothing bad will happen as long as you stay honest, put another way, don’t lie or play mind games of any kind. This is hardest to resist when someone catches you in a contradiction and you feel like sticking your head in the sand - and believe me people will find your contradictions if you make them. Just be honest and admit that you contradicted yourself (only if you actually did) and logically review what has been said to see what you conclusion is now.

I hope that helped. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

Take care.

~Magius (former name)

damn! that was quite a bit gadfly hehe. you’ve given good pointers to get around, although i strongly believe sarcasm shouldn’t be left out …it is, after all humour! dark as it maybe …still is and where would be without humour in our lives …

welcome aboard seanT, although im just a day older havin joined last night. what i hope for and 've read so far, seems alright a place to hang around. people seem fair in debates without gettin personal (or too)…and when it gets personal, we know it aint a debate no more!