Why rape is wrong

I walk into the big, bad, baddass buffalo biker bar. I am dressed in glitter and glam, fembully.

There are 25 seats availiable, but I sit next to the most baddass motherfucker I can find. He says to me, are you some kinda faggot? I say to him…I ain’t no stinkin faggot. Then he drags me to the bathroom, throws me to the wall, then he says to me, the prove it then motherfucker. Suck my dick.
Then I’m like Hold up there motherfucker. I aint gonna suck your dick.
And he’s like “What, you gonna bite it off?”
I’m like, It aint fair It aint right.
He says “You gonna kill me?”
Im like “No I aint gonna kill you! Shit, its a catch 22.”
He says, “What do you mean by that…?”

Im like, "what I mean is, I can’t let you rape me, you’d brag about it to all the motherfuckers and i’d never hear the end of it. Then everybody would try to get a piece of the action. Then everybody would try to rape me.
But I cant kill you either. Cuz in this state of New Jersey self-defense aint’ even allowed. Everybody in jail would know why I killed you, cuz your dick was in my mouth. Then I’ll forever be known for having your dick in my mouth. They’ll ask me “Hey, wasnt it you that killed the guy who had his dick in your mouth? And then I’ll have to sheepishly nod my head and say yes. You see what you put me up against?”
He nods his head, and we part ways.
And that is the story I tell my grand kids. And that is why rape is wrong.

I walk down the motherfuckin side walk. This broad who is a skinny weak emo chick, and this dude is her boyfriend, weaker and more emo than she is. I say to him, “Queer.” He turns around. GIRL steps forward, tells me I better back off. I said “There aint no trouble. Aint hurtin nobody, just hurtin a fag’s ego.” Then the guy says “Get a job”. I say “I do have a job. My job is makin america great again, reducin the ego’s of the fags around me.” Then I turn, and I leave.
And I think to myself, what the hell is a runt like that doing with a broad like her. Society’s gone to shit.

I am on stage doing my rallies and speeches. I come on stage with this music in the background and I say I will Make America Great Again
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKd0gHTWNiQ [/youtube]
I a dressed as a fembully and I say “Society’s gone to shit wheen a Queer like me’s got more balls than the Average American…”
“Boo Boo Boo” I get booed…
I say “You don’t want me? Let adagio come to the stage!”
She comes to the stage.
I say “Now there’s nothing rong with a fag in high heels…”
“Boo Boo Boo” She gets booed
I whisper in the mic “You want a death battle??? YOU want a death battle??? YOU WANA SEE TWO FAGS DUKE IT OUT???”
"YEAH!!! YEAHHH WOOOO!!! YEAH"The crowd goes wild
Dagio vs. Blaze
