Sexual Value

I don’t know. Am I a man or a woman Magnus? That was not a trick question.

Depends on how gay Joker is. Some fans say he’s gay but I don’t think so. I think the reason he is so abrasive to Harley is because on the first couple of dates she never actually kissed him. Now it’s a PG rated show aimed for kids so they have limits. And yet on this PG rated show Harley is covered in pudding and says “Want to rev your harley?” implying sex. So if sexual talk is on the show and acceptable, it means that kissing isn’t likely censored at all, and therefore the reason Joker is so abrasive to Harley is because she probably didn’t treat him right at the beginning and only began getting sexual with him latently, after he was already frustrated to the point where he lost attachment to her.

Nubility as nobility?

Everyone used to think you’re a male. Until your relationship with Joker. Sounds suspicious to me.

Now, I am not personally interested in who you are, nor what your sexual value is, I just want to stay on topic. I am a dutiful man.

:laughing: There’s that latent sense of humor Magnus. :romance-hearteyes:

I knew MM was female the first comedy post she wrote.
I dont know who thought she is a man but thats not very keen.

I don’t know either. But a word has spread.

Thing is, I don’t think “those” posts of hers were trying to be comedy.

When I’m at my craziest, how funny am I? Friggin’ hysterical and off to the bank you go…invest. I’m golden. :smiley:

Does anyone here have any sexual value?

Magnus wants the science of sexual value! Hop to it fact-finders! Give him his philosophy in word facts and figures with a splash of human gusto.

I say one or two more slaps. Can’t go wrong.

A more interesting question, what is yours?

…probably a very angry dude to begin with… I love that gif :laughing:

So that’s what you’re into… Magnus likes a good slap’n :wink:

Girls seem to think so.

When the urge rises, and the source is not only looked at but understood for what it is, it immediately becomes obvious the the transformation begs a reverse into humility, a reverence into the value of view sex, as a kind of panick upon the very brief possession, (cause that,s what it is) so as to correct and sustain genetic equilibrium of traits. But how short sighted it is to bereave this by a sudden a single generation’s short sightedness, and how quickly corrections toward new types can so quickly occur, either in a desired evolutionary trait, or it’s devolution.?

If Thursday is anything to go by… very high indeed.

Ive found a workout pattern that I like. I am tempted to show off the results on camera.

All the constant KTS sexualizing of me has made me a bit vain. But Ill restrain myself unless I happen to burst out of my shirt spontaneously.

Positive self-imagery/modeling should never be exposed. It gains nothing and risks everything.

Probably right.