The inside scoop.

You ever watch those westerns, and it’s like, Women actually act like women, and men are like, all handsome and stoic and noble it’s just so heartwarming it brings tears to you like a My Little Pony episode…

Well nowadays, women ain’t like that, but let’s say you encounter one that is. I have the inside scoop, I have a woman’s psychology and I can explain to you the psychology of how an actual woman functions.
Like a woman from one of those wild west shows, not like a modern woman mutation.

Okay first things first - Women are extremely sensitive. They like peaceful things, they don’t like anything unpleasant. They enjoy just basking…literally just soaking up energies until their mind becomes depleted or bored and they move on to something else. That is why they like sunsets and shit.

Eventually they start off very passive, but when their tranquility is threatened, they evolve to be more aggressive and demanding. This is how women rule the roost and dominate men so easily. Even telling him what TV shows he can or cannot watch. (Again, modern women are not usually like this, modern women tend to be insensitive towards things on TV and not bothered by content like actual women, such as myself, are.)

Sexually speaking, I was molested. Like a woman I reported it to my alpha male overseer but it was never handled. Thus, I was unsheltered from it, and exposed to Nature in it’s purest form without any protective alpha male intervention. After years of it, I finally came to the realization that I enjoyed it, and that it was all a bunch of social programming teaching me to feel shame about it. Sad as is though, by the time I realized I enjoyed it, and I revealed my true feelings, my molesters revealed there’s. They revealed that they never had any feelings for me, that they just wanted to hurt me as a joke…This hurt me so bad it sent me into a psychotic spiral…I felt so worthless…utterly broken and disillusioned…

But what this means is, women’s sexuality is sheltered, and thus functions unnaturally. If they had no sheltering or alpha male protectionism, simply by hounding them they WILL eventually fall in love. But society gives them mechanisms to defend against this and uproot the natural flow of Nature.

For instance, a creepy weirdo was flirting with me. Every time he did it turned me on, but I just couldn’t sleep with him, he wasn’t even my type. I was never rude to him but never really returned much interest. And so he gave up.
But had he broke through and kept hounding me and hounding me, I would have definitely cracked and given him a chance.

When they say girls don’t like “neediness” it is the same as girls saying they don’t like being molested. Because girls are no longer congruent with the natural drives lol and have social shields against it. But as a girl, I can say that neediness is actually turn-on, not a turn off. Don’t believe me, watch Breaking Bad. Hank hounded her 50 times and eventually she fell in love. This is the natural function and way of things. If you really believe neediness turns off girls, they are cucking you man…If it feels natural…HINT it is…It is natural for males to feel neediness to women, it is natural form males to lust after women, so why the hell is it viewed as a turn-off? Why the hell do women seem to say they want asexuals so much? Because women’s sexuality has been perverted from the norm. And they have been given so many tools to deceive themselves and divert themselves from their own natural nature. There is a lot of self-deception going on.

That’s a lot of energy expenditure for a male. Do you want to keep her too? Because that’s the amount of energy you’ll need to keep up in order to keep her as well.
And I don’t know how long a male would last under these conditions.

With money, it’s much easier. She still doesn’t want you, but she still wants your money, so she tolerates you for your money.

Depends on the male and the woman. Sometimes, Once a woman cracks, no further energy is needed. But if she still is fickle after she is broken in, then expect a long winding road of hell and perdition.

Neediness means you are expanding too much energy. Now, if you are a male, ideally, you want to expand no more than zero energy on women. You should focus not on women, but beyond women. Man is a centripetal force. You want to be the center of this force. You want to be the center of this centripetally spiralling vortex motion.

Centripetal force attracts. Generate a sufficiently strong centripetal force, and you will attract them. Maybe.

The strategy you are promoting is weak . . . it is exhausting and feminizing . . . it is cuck-selective. To adopt it, you need to become a cuck, you need to bend a bit too much.

Women are centrifugal force and centrifugal force repels. In order to dominate them, you must be a sufficiently strong centripetal force so that you can outweigh their centrifugal force. You do not want to APPEAL to their centrifugal force. That’s cucky. Only women that are in need of being needed praise neediness . . . otherwise, neediness is repulsive, naturally, because neediness is centrifugal force.

Do you really think that males should be focusing on women instead of focusing on more important tasks such as that of future? Do you really think that someone who is engaged in their own life task has much energy left to waste it on women?

Now, I am not saying you shouldn’t seek women. You should, but only within the limits.

And if someone wonders how does this remain consistent with my claim that men are centripetal force, the answer is because centripetal force and centrifugal force run in parallel. Centripetal force does not mean absence of centrifugal force. Rather, it simply means that centripetal force is the dominant force.

Naturally, the success of your life task will depend on women, since you cannot raise a healthy family without women, and children are the very fabric of future, but more important than that is to make sure that everything is adequately processed, digested, assimilated.

But then, I am talking to Trixie, and Trixie is needy more than anything else. She simply cannot contain herself.

Moreover, as Turd already mention, Trixie isn’t a she, Trixie is a he, so what he or she is saying here, about attraction to needy males being a natural state of affairs, cannot be taken for real, because Trixie is a he, so Trixie is speaking not from a perspective of a woman, but from a perspective of a man, and we all know that it is NOT natural for man to be attracted to males, let alone to NEEDY males.

Natural does not mean pleasant. You mind find rape to be pleasant, but since you’re a male, that’s not natural.

Omg too long didn’t read ^^^^^^

I think there is a difference between sexual need in the form of lust and emotional neediness in the form love or even just attention.

There is also a difference between need and neediness. Need is fine when satisfied into continued stability, even if it is not satisfied it can still just remain as a unsatisfied need. Neediness is something else, neediness can still occur even when need is satisfied. It has a lot to do with a deep internal discontentment, maybe even identity issues and a lack of sense of self, lack of ambition, depression etc. Women intrinsically know the difference between the two and respond accordingly. It isnt black and white though. Man could be extremely needy but extremely handsome…and that would change things.

maganus, you moron… Of course it’s natural for men to be attracted to other men, what do you think friendship is, brotherhood, companionship… Attraction maybe? Theres types, kinds, breeds that are more drawn to that which is similar to itself.

What do you think hero’s, idols, favourites are? Attraction maybe? The gender plays a significant role and a lot of it is homoerotic…even in the past the philosophers would communicate an intellectual homosexuality with eachother. It’s all perfectly natural. However the act of homosexual penetration is naturally occurring but of a dysfunctional nature as it is a genetic dead end, pleasure being the incentive and objective of sex without the procreative aspect.

Neediness is paying too much attention to one need and too little attention to others needs. So neediness is need exaggerated.

Naturally, neediness leads to reduction of number of needs that people possess. Needy people become stunted in their development. This is easy to observe nowadays. Just count how many needs an average person has: need to eat, need to drink, need to fuck and need to be recognized. That’s it.

Thanks for the compliment.

You do realize I was talking about Stockholm Syndrome? Not even sexual attraction, but Stockholm Syndrome, as in, being sexually aroused by your perpetrators. You have to be nuts to think that this kind of attraction is natural for a male. You have to be nuts to think that homosexuality in general is natural for man.

Basically, neediness occurs when one need, or group of needs, takes the form of another need. When difference between needs is denied and when they are treated as one and the same need, as one. (ALL IS ONE and all that stuff.)

Think of over-eating as various needs unrelated to eating (could be any set of needs, really) that are misunderstood as need to eat. They can’t be registered consciously, they can’t be affirmed.

On global level, this takes the form of universalism.

Both strategies are just variations of cuck.
What you suggest is giving all the power to women to select you and cling to you based on the gravity of your centrifugal force. It’s just another cuck method, like trying to be rich or extremely entertaining in order to attract girls. Gives no power to the male, only to girls, empowering the female’s ridiculous high standards and devalidating the male unless he achieves the ridiculous high standards of the female. Thus the female does the selection process.
It’s like, being the best gladiator you can be and eventually you get out of the ring, through the divine grace of Caesar.

Natural women are in need of being needed. Modern, strong and independent “i don’t need no man” psuedowomen aren’t.

About this centrifugal force thing, I’m not sure I understand what you are talking about, and I’m not even 100% sure you do. I think you just wanted some excuse to put a swatiska in our conversation lol.

Yes and no. If someone flirts with a woman it doesn’t mean he has no ambitions. He could simply be flexing his mind and expanding it to other things. If a woman judges a man and automatically assume he has no ambitions simply because he cares for her, she is a malfunctioning organism. Not to be sexist but, women more or less are becoming more and more so, I mean have you ever seen one in the woods, they have like no sense of direction. I know some that can’t even follow you in a straight line without crashing into a wall.
Even the cuck virgin known as Tesla, start to lose his mind in the final days. His self-cucking and telling himself he was worthless to women just wasn’t working for him anymore.
FYI…Tesla had extremely high ambitions, was a very high status man and did not seek after women, but women did not suddenly start swarming him like a rock star.

This post is full of contradicktions isn’t it.
First you call me a she, then a he, then you say that my perspective is invalid because I am male, then you say my perspective is not a valid male perspective.

Stockholm is very natural for a woman happens all the time. It only works though if the male is somewhat attractive.
Like I said, it is a natural evolved process. For example, if a parent beats their kid, it does not stockholm them into liking their parent, because it is not natural for children to feel romantic attraction to their parents (except during Oedipus complex).

Also, homosexuality in nature is very natural it happens with lions all the time.
Pure homosexuality, ie. Men who do not find any sexual value in women, is not natural.
But males having sex with other healthy males occassionally for fun is very natural.
I must be more specific…these types of males are usually less gender pronounced, androgyneous, and thus more tribal and animalistic.
It is not natural for a male with significantly pronounced male characteristics to have sex with other highly masculine males.
So, masculine males having sex with androgenyous males or any type of females is natural.
Androgenous males having sex with masculine males, androgenyous males, or any type of females is natural.
But masculine males having sex with masculine males is unnatural.

Agreed ^

I think this depends upon the level of masculinity in the male, especially if there is room for emasculation, or is out dominated. You will see behavior among inmates in prison where masculine males will dominate physically, emotionally, and sexually other masculine males as a sign of territorial power…

But that quote still applies and holds validity if both males are truly masculine, to the point where there isn’t even an attempt both ways.

Being locked in a cage is not natural and so it is irrelevant data.

However, I did get new data showing that a Gay man has twice the testosterone of most men. And that high testosterone men want to fuck everything, including cars.
So the gay man is at his most masculine body, yet his masculinity exceeds his own body. So he views other Men as effete. Or something. Still doesn’t explain why women repulse him sexually.

I myself have the mind of a female, so when I lust after women, there is this huge verbal narrative along with it and I imagine all kinds of potential scenarios. And I start to get nervous and inhibited, afraid of doing something I’d regret.

When my testosterone rises, I go in beast mode where I just think of their bodies and hot sexy body parts, and talking to them just seems second nature, like just natural to talk about how sexy they are. The cuck narrative telling me not to objectify her and shit dissappears.

But I don’t think my testosterone will ever get high enough to be a homo. My hormonal levels are in a state of flux, mostly dormant and then spike at times. But never spiking to the extent of a gay balding man. I was and always will be effete.

No, they aren’t. Only yours is.

No, that’s not what I am suggesting. That’s what YOU are suggesting.

What I am suggesting is taking away that power from them and then doing your own selection, through the power of your centripetal force, rather than letting them select you, based on your centrifugal force.

Gravity is not centrifugal, it is centripetal. Centri-petal means “towards the center”. That’s what gravity is.

It is not.

That would be centrifugal force, which is the opposite of what I am suggesting. Note that centri-fugal means “away from the center”. Centrifugal radiates. It is about showing off.

Centrifugal force? Yes it does.

Women are needy, so yes, they are prone to being in need of being needed. Thus, it’s not rare to find them being attracted to neediness. But that does not justify neediness.

You need to learn to think from the first-person perspective, not from the third-person perspective.

Women may be attracted to neediness, and needy strategies may help you get laid, but overall, neediness does harm to the one practicing it.

That is if you are an autonomous being. If you are not, if you’re a heteronomous being, then sure, why not, be needy, it will help you get laid no doubt about that.

Centripetal force thing.

I am surprised that you find it difficult to understand what I am saying. I thought you were into Aether Theory, weren’t you? If you are into Aether Theory then it’s only logical of me to presume that you are familiar with the work of John Worrell Keely, Walter Russell and Viktor Schauberger, all of whom speak of the two forces that I’ve been mentioning on this website for some time.

I do.

Swastika is a great symbol. But more than being great, it is a symbol of centripetal force.

Centripetal force, and beneath it, as it should be, centrifugal force.

You are a man. Because it is not natural for a man to be atrracted to their rapists, it is not natural for you either. You are hiding behind this false image of femininity. This is how you evade responsibility for your actions.


You also didn’t mention that lions also get sick. Does that mean that sickness is good? Does that mean that sickness is not something that should be resisted?

If you are a male and you are attracted to males, this is sickness, and you must resist it. That’s my point.