I'm bored of living.

But am I gonna do it? No. Why? “There’s nothing to be done.” - Diebert Van Dilbert.

Suicide is for wimps.

I am going to sit here and accept the boredom of living. Why try to hide? Why end it over something so meager?

It is up to us to make life exciting again, like when we were kids and everyday was an adventure… it can be done you know!

We need to make life interesting… for our own sake.

People are can be difficult, ruin our hopes dreams and plans. Give us nothing to work with sometimes.

how can you check out when you have all kinds of revenge to dish out?

Never said I was checking out.

Read the 3 lines of text in my post, this I think you can do if you have a nice hot breakfast.

it was a hypothetical response entertaining the idea of suicide. you may understand what that means if you ever get around to chopping off your penis…

Next time read the measly 3 lines before responding.

You never flushed your penis down the toilet either. You are not the first person to tell that to me either.

shut up

Why don’t you put the thing you never flushed down the toilet into good use and make me.

What is your obsession with toilets, is this some kind of subliminal that you’re secretively into scat?

Get on steam.

im in bed with my laptop…steam is over the other side of the room

edit: in bed using my laptop in a non sexual way. reading and watching clean stuff :slight_smile:

do you want to skype.

Wow, Trixie is begging manny to fuck her and now they are going to do it . . . over Skype.

Nah I didn’t mean it, only part of my mindgames.

I understand, you are trying hard to be a psychotic narcissist level 9,001.

:evilfun: :laughing: Magnus makes funny?

Mind games are silly and pointless. I had a girl once called Gemma who played them all the time, bored me and made me yawn more than usual. I just walked away. Then she proceeded to text me profusely because whatever she was trying to do didn’t work. She would even text pretending to be others. I put it down to immaturity and desperation.

Great and Humble peasant Trixie is merely a great and humble peasantfool, nothing more. Her narcissism is only a defense mechanism arose from abuse.

If you want a hardcore level 9001 narcissist, scout around on Facebook, look for those with broken english and do nothing but post selfies and infact, value their selfies over your own feelings.

Value Ontology is on the rise, no doubt.

By the way, suicide is not for wimps. Wimps sometimes commit suicide, but suicide is an innocent act. If it’s a rational choice, then suicide is a rational choice.

If you ever decide to kill yourself rest assured that you will have my full support. Whereas everyone else will be against you telling you how selfish you are for wanting to kill yourself and cause pain to those around you I will be there with you celebrating and eagerly awaiting the moment you put a gun on your head and blow it apart.