Is the Fairy Wish Prince trasexual?

Is the Fairy Wish Prince trasexual? Can’t tell what gender the outfit is, ze does wear makeup though.

When you break it down to it, the nitty gritty, there ain’t no such thing as gender. Just collections of neurons and synapses that do various things. Gender is a flux, when the time of day their estrogen its feminine, when the time of day their testosterone it’s masculine. Everything else is just a male or female vessel. If its male it likes penetrating, if its female it likes being penetrated.

Furthermore we can observe the intersocial dynamics (Flux) of the male specimens of our modern times. For example, Breaking Bad show provides a good demonstration of the species intersocial interactions. Heisenberg courts the female using passive fishing tactics, pretending to do a crossword puzzle. Whilst Hank takes a more active approach - hounding the female again and again after 50 rejections.

The upcoming Tarzan film should also give an insightful data on interesting species interactions.


That shit is too funny Trix! :laughing:

Short answer, yes. Disney has caught onto this.

Make a wish bitchez…