Levels of Cognition

All of human cognition, including the formal, such as Geometric shapes, and Mathematics, can be reduced down to the simple binocular mammalian cognition.
Binary logic, and dualism is a product of this.

The organism’s eyes become the base, and the convergence point the tip of a triangle.
The tip is the point in space/time, the object/objective.

This is the First Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s First Level of Intentionality:
Consciousness - Subjectivity of the First Order ([size=85]Primitive Organism[/size]).
A Line

Then, from this, the organism imagines ([size=85]projects[/size]) himself on that point, and perceives itself perceiving.
The organism has made of itself a noetic point in space time.
This is the Second Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s Second Level of Intentionality: Self-Consciousness - Subjectivity of the Second Order ([size=85]Higher Organisms[/size]).
A Triangle

Then, the organism begins to imagine itself imagining itself imagine, a third party triangulating upon a point in space/time.
The two triangles side by side form a square, or a rectangle.
This is the Third Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s Third Level of Intentionality: Objectivity of the First Order ([size=85]Advanced Organism[/size]).
A Square

Then, the organism begins to imagine itself imagining itself imagine a third party triangulating upon a point in space/time, where all, including its own triangulation are part of a whole.
It has projected itself outside all triangulations.
The organism can only perceive outwards but now it imagines itself outside itself, in the Third Cognitive Level, and also behind itself, and beside itself ([size=85]around itself[/size]), creating a noetic circle encircling a noetic point encompassing all this triangles.
This is the Fourth Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s Fourth Level of Intentionality: Subjectivity of the Third Order ([size=85]Sophisticated Organism[/size]).
A Circle

Then, the organism begins to imagine itself imagining itself imagine a third party triangulating upon a point in space/time, where all, including its own triangulation are part of a whole, and it is above, looking down - it is twice removed.
It has projected itself outside all triangulations, and above this outside.
The organism can only perceive outwards but now it imagines itself outside itself, in the Third Cognitive Level, and also behind itself, and beside itself ([size=85]around itself[/size]), creating a noetic circle encircling a noetic point encompassing all this triangles.
This is the Fifth Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s Fifth Level of Intentionality: Objectivity of the First Order ([size=85]Hyper-Cognitive Organism[/size]).
A Cube/Prism/Sphere

This is where the conception of a whole takes place.

Then, the organism begins to imagine itself imagining itself imagine a third party triangulating upon a point in space/time, where all, including its own triangulation are part of a whole, and it is above, looking down - it is twice removed - but it is also perceiving itself looking down - it is thrice removed.
It has projected itself outside all triangulations, and above, and outside, this outside.
The organism can only perceive outwards but now it imagines itself outside itself, in the Third Cognitive Level, and also behind itself, and beside itself ([size=85]around itself[/size]), creating a noetic circle encircling a noetic point encompassing all this triangles, and it is detached from it all.
This is the Sixth Level of Cognition, corresponding to Psychology’s Sixth Level of Intentionality: Objectivity of the Second Order ([size=85]hyper-Sophisticated Organism[/size]).
Fluid Space/Time - Thinking outside the confines of Geometric Shapes


Given the above we can appreciate this Nihilistic symbolism:

The Cross is a simplified Star of David…

The reduction is at the bottom…all is one, as in one humanity.
Complexity remains at the top.
Humanity is “one”: no sex, no race, and no other designation except to be Chosen and not to be Chosen: the pride of being the messenger, the follower, of Divinity.
The faithful ones.
In the Star of David there is a separation in slavishness: not all slaves are the Chosen.
The slave proud to be his master’s preferred minion.
The “humble pride”, reaching arrogant bragging, of the one chosen to bring the above below.
They always brag these “humble ones”.

Six reduced to Four points.
The Up<>Down, is retained with the distance to the bottom increasing.
The alternative pyramid, triangle, is eliminated: Dumbing-Down.
The reduction is by two - the sense of order, symmetry is saved.

Here the contradiction of Nihilism its paradoxes, is displayed in form.
The hierarchy is affirmed and then negated with a reversal.
All Judeo-Christian minds reverse natural hierarchies of cognition and of social and psychological structures.
They are defined in the Third Order of Cognition, perceived by the Choseness Fourth order of Cognition, hiding a Fifth Order of Cognition, that is presented as something other than.
In the Third Order of cognition the triangle instead of forming a square, one next to the other, they are arranged in an antagonistic overlapping triangle negating triangular, order.
The First Person of cognition is negated by the Second-Person cognition, all perceived from an above Other = God.
Both perspectives are negated, one chosen to negate the first.
This is the noumenon overlapping and replacing the phenomenon.
The Chosen are there to deny the First Order of Cognition and all competing Second Orders of Cognition, so that some ambiguous, Other Cognition can dominate both.
The Chosen find self-value through this role.

Cognition is nipped at the bud before it develops further.
We remain in the stage of Subjectivity, where sex, race, all appearances do not matter, or are simply perspectives with no greater relevance.
This stunting of development is called retardation: stuck in the Triangle: self-other, connected by a line.
If the organism advances to the stage of square, the Third Lever of Cognition, this is reduces to a duality of Triangulation.
Empathy/Abstraction in the most primitive form.

Consider this alternative:

The off center points imply a circling.
The TOP<>BOTTOM Pyramids points begin to insinuate circularity.
A rotation.
One point giving way to the next.
Already we begin to sense a development from rigid, up-down, either-or to the more fluid circle.
In the circle the antagonism merges into a fluidity of linear time.
We are not yet at the stage of Flux, and its multidimensional implications, but we are advancing towards it.

The absence of a sixth point signifies the absence of a Top<>Bottom symmetry.
The bottom, man, is not a reflection of the Divine, Top.
The point of the triangle is rooted at the bottom, upon man.
The top is void: open to possibilities, open for the fight.
Man is at the bottom, where the goat’s mouth is.
The symbol of hunger, of need.

First-Level of intentionality: PersonA intends to eat, because he reaches for a cookie, and as he licks his lips.
A direct, primal relationship between actor and object/objective.

Second-Level intentionality: Persona A intends to let PersonB know he is going to eat, because there is only one cookie left.

Third-Level intentionality: PersonA intends to let PersonB think he is going to eat, because PersonC is watching, and he wants PersonC to know what PersonB thinks in relation to PersonA.
Perhaps because he wants him to intervene in the case that PersonB intervenes.

Fourth-Level intentionality: PersonA intends to let PersonB think he is going to eat, because PersonC is watching, but PersonC. knows PersonA is faking hunger.

Fifth-Level intentionality: PersonA intends to let PersonB think he is going to eat, because PersonC is watching, but PersonC knows he is faking hunger, but believes PersonB is convinced and wants to see what is going to happen.

It is a empathic web.
What Evolution Psychologists call a mental map.
Humans can reach level 5, and geniuses go further to Lever 6…animals are stuck on level 1, and some go as far as level 2.

In Nihilism this intentionality is ascribed to inanimate objects, to unconscious, un-living, (inter)actions.
It is anthropomorphizing taken to the next level.
One uses other to reflect upon self, which is then projected upon other as intent.
So, a rock (inter)acting with water becomes a self-valuing, or a self-loving, or a wilful act.
The world is full of intentions, which are projected by the observer.

The beginning of religion is here.
All is intentional, ergo all has a purpose, a meaning, it is rational.
The hypothesis becomes a projection of personal motives.

This is where morals are founded.

Logic = study of the principles governing human abstraction of phenomena.
Mathematical logic begins with the one, and then the nil, both abstractions, noumena, with no presence outside the human brain.
Studying the principles governing human cognition, can then be projected outward as rules governing all patterns.

Laws of Nature = the study of principles governing patterns external to the human brain, including the human brain. An extension of logic.
Since consciousness precedes self-consciousness the rules one discovers in nature, world, precedes the encoding of said rules as rules governing thinking.
The process is a looking back, at Heidegger said: the patterns that make consciousness possible, and then self-consciousness, are made aware to the organism prior to the emergence of self-awareness that begins to establish an understanding, discover a internal pattern in relation to this already perceived external world.
Therefore, the first spiritual leap of faith, is the projection of self in world, because the awareness of self follows the awareness of other, giving the impression that this other is also alive, conscious.

Forces of Nature = establishment of general principles governing (inter)acting patterns - excluding the imperceptible energies that lack pattern ([size=85]random[/size]).
Strong Force - Weak Force - Electromagnetic Force - Gravity… These are also fragmenting, as space/time expands ([size=85]complexity) [/size]and randomness ([size=85]chaos[/size]) increases.
A pattern is not eternal, and so the principles governing patterns must be adjusted.
Fluctuation does not occur at a rate/rhythm that would make life impossible, and consciousness, improbable, but as time/space expands the speed increases exponentially, eventually making all order(ing) and, subsequently, life improbable.
This is part of the cycle.

Pattern = to remain true to past because other dynamic patterns and non-patterns contradict it, confront it, it adjust, slowly deteriorating with ever (inter)action.
To adapt, in the context of evolution, life, means to reaffirm the past patterns, adjusting the ones that cannot to the present circumstances - mutation.
Life is iteration - constant reaffirmation, forced upon it ([size=85]agon[/size]) by an indifferent fluctuating existence.

Technology, founded on this increasing self-awareness, is the conversion of genetic code, inherited patterns, into a code ([size=85]semiotics - language/math - language beginning as sound and then progressing into geometrical shapes[/size]) that can be externalized - projected outside the mind.
Techniques/Technologies are extensions of organic patterns.
Similarly, to know other one must know self.
The predator must evolve some level of self-awareness, some level of cognition above the second, to hunt its prey, and this is why omnivores, carnivores evolve higher cognitive abilities.
The more complex the prey, the more complex the mind of the predator.
Empathy starts as a hunting utility.
It is not sympathy.
Linguistic retardation, as it is displayed in Modern Nihilists, is a symptom of mental retardation - stunting, reverting development, caused by institutionalization, domestication, feminization = sheltering.
Declining consciousness manifests as diminishing discrimination, discerning subtle patterns in what appears uniform.
Language is the reflection of mind outwards.
A dull mind will be linguistically simple - it will confuse the representation for the represented - the idea(l) for the real.

Starting at the third level of cognition the mind has began to develop the ability to extricate self from the observed - objectivity.
This begins the process of empathy - using imagination - projection of self into the other.
A failed projection results in delusion, fantasy.
Emotion, fear in particular, ego, are corruptions of lucidity. The organism projecting its own needs, anxiety, fears into other, and understanding other though them - subjectivization of subject.
Objectivity failed.

Intelligence is not enough to be a philosopher.
Courage is just s important.

And simply being away from mere existence, enabling the generation of trigonometric differential shift- away from mere linear geometric patterns, is the modus operandi.

It’s tragic when minds collapse into a little set of master-signifying terms. Maybe we can call the affliction Dictionary Brain, or religion 2.0.

I would also say it’s tragic for philosophy, but since such behavior isn’t philosophy that wouldn’t make any sense.

Why would “making sense” matter to you now crypto-Christian?
Let us feel the value, of value.
Replace “love” with it.
Let us reinvent Abrahamic Nihilism using, yet, another word… for the multi-named God, the one and only.
Why not reinvent the old, and call it by another name, and then imply depth, unable to show it?
Why not claim the one who critiques does not understand, and if they swallow the bait, why not praise them?
Why not hide an implied wealth in vagueness, and then blame all who cannot see it of being blind?
Why not splash paint on a canvas and sell it as 'high art", to imbeciles like Wyld

Why not…be a new Messiah for the brain-dead?
All is loved, all is valuable, will be saved in their own head.

Why define words when we can feeeel their truth?
Surrender to their promise…use them like a child does toys.
Why clarify when obscurity serves the purposes of mystifying?
Why not prostitute ourselves, dear wo-man?
Love, for all, value for all, to each his own.

Do not worry, little one, your master will lead you to great, great insights.
All I have to do is let time do the work.
you will be re-membered as one of the disciples.

When a thinker seeks clarity he simplifies, illuminates…when he seeks followers or to pretend he is wiser than he is, he obfuscates, uses words to conceal, to imply, to attack personality rather than ideas…he buries under words what he cannot define, describe, or ever find in world.

A wise man understands and expresses this understanding simply. The liar, charlatan is confused, his motive is not to understand but to sell himself, and so he hides his own ignorance under pretense, and artificial complexity, hoping nobody sees and all simply feel.

When an artist has something to say, he says it clearly, directly, openly…when an artist wants to sell himself, as someone who knows, he splashes confusion on a canvas and dares others not to see his genius.

When a thinker knows what he is talking about, his motives genuine, his integrity sound, he speaks clearly, directly, connects his words to world…when his motive is to flatter self, to seduce by selling “positivity”, to reinvent the old, repackage it, baptize it, rename it, and then sell ti to the obtuse, he claims that nobody “gets it” except those worthy, those “open”, those using heart, and not brain.
He lies…makes, reinvents himself, claims he did not say what he did say…or did not mean it that way, when he did.

When simpleton desires to be seen as a genius, he uses big, words arranged in metaphorical sentences…alluding to everything and nothing.

Once the tools of thinking are cleaned and arranged, one begins to paint… artistry.
If the intent is to play, to have others come and praise, to escape a world that scares, with pretty colors, then any tool is good enough.
soak cloth with paint…drag it over the canvas…take clay, punch it, poke at it…and voila!!!
Then, find a good promoter, manipulate vanity, and emotion, and sell… sell… sell to the nit-wits what is worthless, or, at least a copy.

This thread is about cognitive levels… master-baiting is everywhere on ILP…find any thread and cum on it.
Call it “philosophy” , call ti art, call it god…call it anything, what does it matter when it’s all good, and all that matters is how it makes us feeeeel, and how popular it is… and how much it can be appreciated…
Do I have $10…
Why not reinvent Judeo-Christian/Islamic nihilism, update its language, make it fresh, attractive to the younger crowds?
Why not mix the incompatible…a bit of Nietzsche, some Spinoza, and why not a tinge of Jesus?

Stir… add a few sugar cubes, and serve warm.
Why let Marx have all the fun?
New Age deserves a new guru… a new historical figure.
A new idol.
Who shall be the heir?


In order to differentiate first, you have to integrate. But this is an integration on the primal level. By the time such integration is seen ex post facto as mostly figurative, a new differentiation occurs, within that context. A new integration is followed and new re-integration, like fine tuning. After many many of these, differentiation becomes the new logical modus operandi, whereby the original anomalie develop from differential rather than integral logic.

Petho, this is not arguing against your hypothesis, except to point out that it is applicable, like Newtonian physics was before the discovery of the quantum.

And there is nothing personal in this, it would be, if the boundary developed would be stuck at deductive logic. It would be unfair to imply that much bounderies may always result in referential meaning . The reference shift toward and out of that, and such a view would miss the object with it’s relational aspect. The relation shifts from nominal toward multi signifying objects bounded deflecting the original referens .

The point is. taken by you again is valid but it’s significant to point out such levels are reversely apprehended, and the relation of such apprehension to the development of apprehension as a logical modus operandi are competitive and relationally congruent.

As such, this relationship points to he insufficiency of reducing meaning to nominal geometric patterns, since such reduction to (eidetic) formalisms, can not coincide to their phenological equivalents.

Before you can become your own object of apprehension, you must overcome this cognitive distinction in theory of knowledge.

If You can overcome these objections, there can be no positions taken in a reduction from a non intentional out of the box phenomenology into the box of intentional subjective apprehension.

In other words, working through a three dimensional schema out of the box objectivism, fails if the reliance is strictly through an extension of nominal, two dimensional geometric modes of apprehension. It only works reversely, and this is why the objections to the earth being flat were so easily dismissed out of hand.

Failure to communicate this is tantamount the complex cognitive levels which always ended in the same result. It is still the reason that our world is so precariously positioned to dangerously veer out of control.