Obsessive habits

I now propose the idea that painful and destructive habits, used as corrections, may actually be beneficial to your system.

When into the money accumulation thing, riding on a high of winning, it is a good thing to loose some, which will deflate the swell caused by overconfidence
which accompanies it.

It is a good thing to loose some, even if it means
quieting down and living a life of humble penury, including quiet guilt ridden meditating upon the oft exhibited physiological pain, that oft accompanist loss.

Not the gross losses, ending in real tragedy, but the quiet loss, which changes the direction of the mind to more patience and the valuable experience of quiet suffering.

Sexual guilt over obsessive sensual behavior, also calls for occasional binges, thoughtless engagement in blow ups of sensuality, since it breaks open the doors of preception, so cluttered with taboos of all sorts, rusted and comlacent, routes to free energy transfer.

It is good to feel low often, when the conventional mind dictates the urge for a maintenance of a constant high.It is good then to depress yourself, the nervous system be king the call for minimum functioning, almost to the death, fakir like, placing the self into an almost hybernative state.

Then in these states of near absolute function, both mind and body, where only a faint sense of the slow beat of the heart is heard,when disparityng mounts to the maximum, is when the richness of the soul becomes manifest. The loss of the self becomes so full of pain here, that the soul rises, as a bubble toward some imaginable goal, in al of existence,
sand the universality of love replaces it.(the loss)

This goes for all controlled behavior, ; drink, dugs, gamblin, loneliness-for that too arises as a product of forces of habit, total dispair and fear.

It is better to periodically lift censure, and with abandon, reverse the effect and affect, and use this reversal as a means to achieve stasis, as would a vaccine, would to the body. A little horror, induced to set up memetic immunity, as a way of developing major antibodies.

Anyone having issues with guilt arising out of obsessive habits, may gain depth in dealing with them when major occurances become nearly unmanageable.

Any comments, pro or con?

Addict, obsessive, redirects his need to other.
other serves as a numbing, correction of what he is lacking in himself.
When the object of his addiction begins exacting a cost higher than the benefit received, the addict/obsessive suddenly realizes he must come clean.
Suddenly, the drug, the person obsessed over, is seen as opposite of what it was when benefit exceeded cost.

Overindulgence is the consequence of ignorance.
The individual failing to appreciate the essence of this other used to cope with self.
Arrogance…indestructibility, gives way to a sense of fear, extreme anxiety, when the essence of this other becomes clear.
If estimation fails, the addict cannot break free.

Estimation fails when this other, be it person, or drug, or alcohol, or sex, or activity is either underestimated, in relation to the risks/costs, focusing instead only on the benefits/rewards, or when its essence is blamed, and not self in relation to it.
Misunderstanding other, by mystifying words, is how most remain obtuse.
The act, is what reveals the true spirit of otherness. To interact is to feel, intuitively, if not consciously, what this other is, beyond words and fantasies.

The same way, as the anti buse on the physiological obsessive habit, of the soul, yes, exacts a higher price
As substitute.

Even living on is borne out of an obsessive need,
Some for better some for worse, so substitute at times one for the other kinde,
So as to not let multiply and grow, in monstrous specificity, overcome as cancer,

Inject it with placibic habit for the early ignored
Animal to deceive, and give the other parts to rest.

Order/ordering is the rejection of infinite possibilities, and the selection of limited possibilities, makes them probabilities.
Order is probability - repeating consistent, predictable.

Chaos is the opposite.

Life is ordering. It obsesses over its own patterns, confronted, as they are, by fluctuating world.
This produces friction, experienced as need/suffering.

But life must constantly adapt and adjust to the ongoing fluctuation, and so it is on alert (conscious), constantly adjusting, evaluation.
It needs
Obsession/Addiction is connected to need.
The imperfection of organism - no absolute order.

:mrgreen: you may be a con.