The Bane of the Rational Mind and the Delight of the Insane

The pure bane of logic as is founded by most scientists and accepted for ages is that emotion is the curse of logic, that it makes no sense. Emotional logic can be played upon and is the fundamentals of psychology in general and yet still fails to actually take into account that people don’t always like help, want help, etc. Don’t want to be manipulated or figured out and can go to extreme measures not to be. Enter psychology which plays on this that gives people so many pills in a variety of ways to help them that way instead of actually analyzing them, telling them only that they need certain information to figure out what pill is best to give them and in this way don’t try to analyze beyond that point except to fine-tune pills later on that may as well be all placebo in nature and to give those people an out from actually trying to ascertain and deal with their own problems.

The pure bane of reason is the sheer reasonable fact that some people simply do not want to be reasonable by any definition of reason whether truth or lie or some variation in between and are simply tired of all of the reasons there are to back any single bit of truth or lie and are tired, perhaps, of looking for things that they simply can not find; but even that is a reason they might reject simply for the reason that they do not wish to be rationalized, so strong is the emotion that is fluxing within them; do not want to believe that anyone has gone through similar things as them or to similar degree and want to believe that they are themselves the only ones that can handle such a taxing burden whether small or large comparable to the degree that they feel is regardless of small or large.

Some times there is simply a point where all answers fall short of the mark and there is nothing that you can do that is right. Similarly, there are points where nothing you can do is wrong. At such points, all that is good in the world fails and at the latter all that is evil is exalted since it can conceivable be viewed to be good, or at least not wrong.

And it is these simple facts that boggle the ‘sane’ and ‘rational’ mind and which delight the ‘insane’ for it is these facts that they may understand far more keenly for whatever brand of insanity they go through. Most insane people know that they are insane, for they can conceivably; at times of rationality or lucidity; be aware of being under surveillance or feeling trapped. They are in a room, are not free to go somewhere and the more insane ones are trapped even further than that and may not even be able to move in conscious terms of the word. And since our modern era seems to disregard notions of possession and the supernatural, such old reasons that might still be pertinent and valuable information in such situations, further spreads deceit that gives simple medicines to far more complex problems that enable the insane to seem to be rational and fit into society at the very same time as they are twisted beyond recognition beneath the surface and the distance between the two; the cloud that hangs between; is only momentary.

At some point, people still assume that all problems in existence can be solved or at least maintained and quarantined and this error in what is considered sane rationalization is extremely misguided as it informs the masses that they may rest content in a peace that is nonexistent; at a point in time where it is obvious that it bubbles to the surface for anyone who cares to look and see it. That others can protect you from all that can not truly be protected from; as doctors continue to search for a protection from death itself, as people still search for immortality and try to hoard such secrets to themselves either due to selfishness or the fact that if everyone knew, the specialness of it would wear off; or the fun favorite of the more rational-minded: where would we fit everyone if everyone were to be immortal and still fuck and have immortal children and wouldn’t we then visit death most horrendous on our own species? Death as it seems we will soon see visited simply because we are overly-populated, forced to live too close to one another and either live lifelong lies of self in the presence of others so that they think nothing less of us while we work horrors in private, or show our true selves openly which enables us to fit into a crowd of people as they perform pack mentality on any other animal pack in the vicinity instead of rising above that vain hypocrisy. The showing of true selves at first distancing everyone from us as they are then apprised of certain facts of self they’d rather be negligent of and then further the fact that someone has actually done the impossible in a world where they had already thought that such had happened.

And at such a point as seeing something they thought that had wanted to see, of seeing such an individual as what they wished to be and to see, their reaction is usually the most irrational; as you would figure they would be happy, they would be proud, or furthermore be glad that it is at least possible for such to be done. And the fact that their reaction is still rational does not always help the situation and pushes them further down into the bowels of what some would call purgatory and deeper levels of Hell itself while seemingly lifting others to Heaven as they sit in vain judgment of those beings seemingly chased down into Hell and lacking the pity or understanding of the reason behind it, if seemingly unreasonable and irrational.

And what answer is there, then, that such people do exist in society around us, do hide such levels of dark twisted behavior and can not be left to their own devices for undermining the very things that many truly wish society still stood for? If you could chase them close to death with reason and then back off knowing they’d soon be at your throat and in so many varying movements keep them from killing you and keep yourself from killing them, and continue to be firm in speaking reason to them and describing the variances of their own psychology that they know all too well after a certain point and use all too keenly to manipulate others around them in a variety of ways, would they eventually break through to a point where they could return to an established form of sanity if the animal nature and sheer unreasonable nature of fighting with reason that is supposed to be beyond fighting and that that is the point that ‘they’ wish to make to those imaginary pacifists that wield it as a weapon; practise diplomacy as a weapon to stave off these ‘misguided’ and ‘evil’ ones, that are simply being true to their own animal nature as so many ‘heavenly’ and ‘good’ people run from their animal natures causing the rebound and repression to bubble up more strongly in some than in others?

And if such can be entertained rationally in conjunction with a universal mind; a metaconscious mind, can not the duality of God and the Devil be understood more firmly, that God is the one that seeks the peace and the Devil seeks to hide this truth and stoke it to a fever-pitch intensity all for being on one side or the other of eternal debate. Such truth being that there will never be a time when the animal nature is not necessary and so can not be discarded or even be free from, for even those ‘good’ and ‘heavenly’ are not perfect and still exercise their animal natures all while pulling the wool over their own eyes and pretending to be anything but the hypocrites that they are.

Furthermore, if such could be said without cruelty, but with greater purpose in mind, then is that not the objective truth that people have searched for; if such truths could exist and be found to be consistent, and to know with certainty that even their conceived God would get to the point of pure and utter despair in trying to get them to see and acknowledge these truths and thus become the devil itself; they might then understand how that eternal war exists and how such could come up in their midst to proclaim without ego, with humility and with triumph and victory in their eyes that they have come back from the impossible and made it possible and, btw, fucked eternity up in the process and no matter of doing the impossible will ever make it possible to undo the damage done.

At which point, modern science deems such thoughts to be irrational, marks of delusion, etc.; please be content to relate such arguments to the here and now as can be proven by the world around us.

To which I, personally, without any further reason, just lift my hand; either right or left; and flip even the universe itself off and all people in it for being ridiculously retarded and stupid. Welcome to Reality, where I am the sanest man in existence for how insane I seem or how insane many would want me to seem as they distance themselves from sane and rational thoughts to entertain their own sane and rational thoughts separate from the other truths that do exist, for how could they have such profound effects on the psyche or even all of existence as we know it, without them also being true?

And, on the other hand, I am the most insane person in existence for pursuing a truth that literally makes so many entities wish to kill me; which again is reinforced by the fact that I think that so many entities want to kill me; which I’m able to be cognizant of, therefore I’m not insane, which is what an insane person might say to convince those that know he’s insane to pronounce them as sane again; to which they must marvel at the seeming sanity of an insane person to rationally come to such unique thought processes to astound them with such reason even while they ‘know’ that the person is insane. Meanwhile, it strikes a deeper chord in them as something is so familiar about the thought processes of these insane people and yet they can’t quite put their finger on it and still yet might as well be looking in a mirror of sorts, though they couldn’t very well admit their own insanity or admit the fact that if they were put into the same situation, might just act the same, might just be the same.

1…2…3 and breathe. Just breathe for a bit. Calm down if you need to.

All rationalizations repeated in eternity eventually lose all meaning and causes such irrational madness at that point. For, if such a being exists with such a large capacity for intelligence, and large computing processes able to compute so many things at once, such madness must be entertained as being possible and then… if such sentiences exist, what of their repressions and what of their nightmares and madnesses that might be pushed out on to… so many other possible living organisms. Would anyone notice if a molecule of water went insane for a bit? Would it rile up huge tidal waves and flash floods? Would an insane molecule of air create hurricane winds and tornadoes in otherwise peaceful climes?

And, what answer would do to soothe such madness if so many things in existence that can actually affect and effect things directly refuse to do so, refuse to listen and are thus delegated to having such lessons repeated to them generation by generation causing the insanity which causes the repressions which causes the seeming chaos that exists which is entirely irrationally rational.

To which I state to all the humans reading this: fuck the fuck off you stupid fucking fucks. Fuckity fuck fuck, fuck fuck!

You see, this is rather soothing and calming for certain entities and allows me at least a base amount of room to exist in somewhat peace in an existence largely out to kill me for all the truths that I know and speak. For, I hate willful ignorant stupidity. At least the unintentional variety can be tolerated; at least when someone is stuck in a physical form that lacks maneuverability or can’t be taken seriously no matter what they do, such as those with downs syndrome, who can still be mental giants and quite intelligent, can be tolerated. But for the rest of the retarded freak show of humans that exist and forces nature to its knees with their bullshit and pure idiocy… it becomes so many varying shades of fuck you you little fucksticks; regardless of reason or rationality and it just so happens that it becomes reasonable and rational as an accepted response to so much bullshit. Just sheer coincidence, since none of the things that get to the point of saying such are entirely capable of entertaining the reason and rationality to be cognizant that it is reasonable and rational; at least not all the time.

And then, you have to be paranoid somewhat of the ones that can be cognizant of such, since one can only assume the depths of twistedness that some have sunk to to get to such points and still work against the greater purpose of not destroying all of existence. That’s the greater purpose of God: simply not destroying all of existence. The byproduct of love is great, but considering the depths of depravity and how much of creation gets destroyed, why destroy all of it and then, why destroy it before its time? But, those are rules and not everything plays by the rules.

End. finit. Cut. Insane thought process. Insane thought process. Do not continue. Paranoia, paranoia, everywhere, everywhere. Everythings out to get me, everything out to get you, too… and yet we live on just that much longer, do we not. And all such things become the product of coincidence as coincidence becomes the product of the truth to get out and get free and be made known. At which point, I must stop this vein of thought at present before it becomes considered to be cruel and undermine all else that I work for.

I hope that’s rational enough.

Yeah, some use it (insanity) with relish, as a motivational tool. If it sells, who cares?

Some may be crazy, but they ain’t no fool. (Like a fox) If this sounds inordinately short cutted , remember we’re in a differing tableau, beyond historical precedence as a support.

But, wait, until they know, that people are catching on, —. And then again it’s a matter of coping.

So called pure logic or reason is guided by emotional and personal invested bias with all forms of self interested ego involved. Anybody that tells you otherwise is an idiot or liar.

This is why pure logic and reason will never exist.

Oh, did moron speak again??

What’s that???

He’s making an appeal to pure logic and reason to say it doesn’t exist…

That’s right hahahaha, this is the 4th post on a row that I’ve read of yours where you actually contradicted your purpose for posting…

It’s called conspicuous consumption aggression in the animal kingdom, and will earn you no respect.

As usual your posts make no sense offering no coherence whatsoever.

Living in your mother’s basement I imagine it is your bedtime soon.

Have you ever gotten to the point of rationalizing things out, of finding answers to where you find so many connections from everything to everything; where it all breaks down to where it all gets up again to the point where it actually loses all meaning and you just want to shut it the fuck up because of how often the patterns repeat; how intricately everything is weaved?

Ecmandu calling me a moron doesn’t bother me. I know what true insanity is. I know exactly what it’s like to be completely undone and remade. Pure logic and pure reason both exist, but so do the inverse and reverse exist: pure illogic, pure unreason. They all exist in perfect-imperfect; imperfect-perfect; blending, in harmonic-disharmonic conjunction and paradox-bending and breaking everyday reality that we wake up to on a daily basis. Together. So, while they are true on their own and exist on their own; here in our reality, they do not exist on their own, are not true on their own, but only in conjunction with each other to create an absolute truth of ‘everything extremely fucked itself in so many ways’.

I don’t see where HaHaHa contradicted himself, but perhaps I’ve been rendered intellectually blind for stating such insane ramblings, which is always a possibility.

So if I say 2+2=4, that is emotional bias and personal bias and I am a victim of my dasein, 2+2=4 is no different than 2+2=5, neither is logic and reason.

Truly you do, because Ecmandu was clearly calling Hahaha a moron and not you (unless you feel like you are Hahaha and going to reincarnate into Hahaha in nextlife.)


Oh? Explain.