the definition for intellect and genius.

intellect = (the capacity to find truth+the capacity to make truth+the capacity to decieve)*complexity of the worldspace

genius = the ability to appreciate truth, beauty and aesthetics*((coherence of one’s creations*complexity of one’s creations)*size of personal worldspace)

genius is simply the excersize of the mind, the mind stretching, excersizing. a larger mind must simply excersize in more various ways.

people who specialize in one thing are not genius, but simpletons and savants.

genius is also the intent and drive. with no drive, no genius.

for example, as a kid i was fascinated by computer games and wanted to learn more. this paved the road for me to become as skilled as the people id admired. as a kid, i thought fps games had billions of pre-rendered frames that they were all chosen from based on the player’s position. this didn’t phase me, and i learned the truth behind computer games, and that my old notions were silly.

consciousness is a dead end…noone understands it, therefore there is noone to learn from. One can only learn and become a Maser if there is already a Master.

black schools are a dead end. if they dont have a drive in science, you cannot teach them science. you cannot blame schools for lack of black scientists, because if they really had the drive there would be no hurdle they could not cross. Hell, even black slaves become scientists. If you have drive, you stop at nothing to get it. Im just not seeing this or any kind of drive with the black community.

There were and are many black scientists Trixie…

I enjoy fishing , used to get on the big lakes drop that line down deep then move the boat slowly.

When did I say there weren’t? Its just my experience of black schools, is there’s a lot of tomfoolery not much else. 5 out of the 1000 kids there were into robotics and math, that’s it.
I have some black blood in me so I have the right to say what I want about my own race.

genius is who is capable of fucking anyone’s partner without that ANYONE’s knowledge and feels self overwhelmed.

intellect is who is capable of fucking genius’s partner and make genius feel overwhelmed by bringing this information to his notice.

intellect-my partner slept with that person !! wowww!!!
but, how ! is my partner that attractive !!!and matured !!! to lure intellect fellow like that !!!


Then how did the first master of any given thing come about?

Or from God, if He is the Master.

To me, intellect is the merely a biased term we use to rank one’s ability in critical thinking, knowledge and willingness to learn.

As for genius, it’s another term we use to denote someone as superior in matters of intellect. Generally reserved for those who transcend conventional ideas/concepts.

We’re all born with genetic limitations, some simply have more potential than others. No different with intelligence than with the physical aspects. Those who exercise their bodies will be stronger than those of similar genetic potential, who do not. Just as those who exercise their minds will be smarter than those of similar genetic pontential, who do not.

Drive is another biased term we use, based on what we’ve been conditioned to believe, coinciding with our ideals of success. One doesn’t need to demonstrate motivation in areas of other people’s expectation, to possess motivation. Someone can possess a significantly higher level of intellect and be perfectly content and/or happy, not trying to seek recognition or riches for their gifts. Those types don’t require validation from others and would rather live a life that fulfills their own perspective of purpose.

As for your observations on race, they are short-sighted and simplistic. It’s far more of a nurture thing, than a nature thing. I come from poverty and urban culture… from my observations, most people raised in this setting are heavily damaged individuals. It’s this damage that prevents them from caring about theoretical concepts, they’re highly conditioned to worry about things that they must face in the here and now. These circumstances stunt their emotional, social and intellectual development.

Very good post

Um, no.
I actually know people in the ghetto. Most of them are idiots, inherently so. They aren’t “damaged”, except for the crackbabies.

Just like how rich white kids are inherently assholes. The aren’t “damaged” either, like the blacks, the rich white kids are just inherently douchebags.


Are there any sections of Humanity that you actually approve of?

You were merely saying that black schools aren’t the best breeding ground for the next crop of scientists, or any other kind of studious vocation? So why do these all black schools still exist, and… more importantly, why do parents continue to send their children there?

Are you part African American? How do you feel that these genes influence you, if at all?

Isn’t genius innate?

I already stated on KT that a dash of black genes can do wonders for the human body, I also believe a dash of white blood can do wonders for the african body as well. I was kicked out of KT for not being racist enough for their standards.

Far as the oppressive vibe of black culture goes, I don’t blame whites, its not like whites have some oppressive magical stick that makes black people oppress other black people.

Not really no.


No, it’s not a dead end. I would define it as more a pristine landscape. You need to observe/pay attention, see what that landscape shows you, says to you. It’s never-ending, like an ad continuum. It’s a field of exploration.
Of course, if it is not used, it can shrivel up and die or remain infertile, devoid of possibility, stagnant decaying dust.
Well, maybe it can’t really die (I’m not speaking here of an afterlife) but it might just need the help of a phoenix to call it back, to resurrect it or a good rain upon that once pristine landscape.

That’s not necessarily true. There may at times be a master but there has to be the student who is capable of learning, has the desire to learn. Otherwise, the master is simply throwing his pearls before the swine. lol
I do intuit that a Master is capable of becoming one without first having one. Our universe, nature, the elements, et cetera, everything which we are capable of seeing/perceiving can teach us about ourselves and others if we pay attention, explore, question, examine and understand our relationship to it all.
Sit in front of a tree and listen to it. Feel it within.

After all, the student needs to do the above even with the guidance of a master.

You were kicked out for being a sockpuppet so nothing to do with racism

And now you are permabanned and can never go back there you bad pony

What about trans like yourself who were born male but became feminised

You surely have to approve of them Trixie as you are actually one of them