Are insane people aware of their insanity?

I think that if they were aware of their insanity, they wouldn’t be insane in the first place.

But maybe somewhere, deep down… they know it?

Specifically, I was wondering about people like

[tab]PhoneticEthics and Ecmandu[/tab]

A good question. Are you?

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t lost touch with reality given the right circumstances. And I would argue that most of us have periods of insanity where we are unduly influenced by forces unseen to make choices and/or write or say things that we later can’t really explain or understand. Think about all the times you’ve lost a thread of consciousness, and getting back to what you were trying to say seems impossible. Or when you look at something you wrote in the past that doesn’t make sense to you now, or you think to yourself; “What the hell was I thinking there?”. I think that to some degree, we all have an instinct to let go of sanity when the sanity hurts us or we can’t make sense of what’s really happening at all and that it might be a naturally occurring phenomenon within the human brain that causes us to do this.

But I do suspect that people who have lost touch in an extraordinary way for prolonged periods of time, do know that they are at the extreme end of uniqueness. I’m not talking “special snowflake” unique, but a truly alone feeling uniqueness where one feels extremely specific in his or her understanding of a particular thought or feeling, disregarding any markers of reality or fact. They might not see it as insanity, but it feels more like a detached brightness that they feel others can’t see or understand. Some, during short periods of lucidity, do recognize their insanity but choose to fall back into it because life is easier when you don’t have to do the work of making real sense of things. When you don’t have to qualify or quantify or research anything at all, just let your brain go where it needs to go in order to feel like yourself. Even if the self is not reality, but a complex illusion created to shield yourself from the worry of being like everyone else or having to work to make sense of this life.

We could reduce the amount of periods of insanity if we could try to find ways to bring people into better alignment and into a happier existence, but humanity may be way past that at this point. A radical change will be needed as a catalyst, and I am not optimistic. We’ve over-populated and over-complicated just about everything on this planet to the point where it’s dumbing down humanity or making them insane. There is a way out of this, but we would have to be open to the broad change in thought process and ideology. And that’s constant work that the majority of the current human race is not up to.

Im fairly sure most of the members here are psychotic/mentally ill in some way. Members such as

Phred Phrederickson
Phonetic Ethics
Turd Ferguson

Not sure if I’d make the list.

There is a very real bit of wisdom in this quote by an unknown author: “I am not what you think I am. You are what you think I am.”

Sometimes it’s important to look at the harmful effects of labelling others with heavy words that are laden with hurt and negativity and remember that your reality is purely your own and has very little or nothing to do with their reality. Doing harm to others by casually psychoanalyzing them or labelling them from their online persona really doesn’t have any benefit, does it? Or does it make one feel better to think of others as flawed or damaged? Take a look at your intention to see if you are casting illusions in order to make sense of your own self. I find that the best method of checking your own sanity is to do a lot of self-reflection and examine every shadow and half-truth from every angle before speaking of others about the “truth” and to keep my eyes and ears open to compassion instead of condemnation.

That’s nice.

So, If I call an elephant large and grey, I am inherently large and grey.

Insanity is a vague category. I think where and when people are deluded/psychotic they can’t know they are. But over the course of the day, they may have moments of, what the fuck is going on in my mind,
that was crazy
someone help me
maybe I am crazy
and so on. All with varying degrees of insight and objectivity to fear about what they think at other times. Also you can be really quite nuts about one or more things but sane about everything else.
James came back at you implying you are insane. He is using insanity in a broad sense. I think that is too broad, but one can be deluded about a few things or brainwashed about many things and be functional and sane about other things. Or one could be normal but believing in a lot of things are simply not true.
And these states pretty much preclude knowing you are deluded, though at times you might suspect it.

Most people are very good at ignoring, suppressing their own doubts about their beliefs and perceptions. This includes highly functional people who tend to be seen as healthy mentally.

I suppose you will see this kind of communicative act as not an expression of your aggression. But cake and eat it too is very tempting. It’s always others, not you James. And the internet, well, it’s so easy to deny here.

I think Christopher Markowski who wrote Memoirs of Madness answers this question

an excerpt

“I have come away from this story wondering how I didn’t get myself killed or kill someone during this phenomenal fervour, an out of control imagination. An imagination that ran amok overcame me and I created a world as entirely different as it could possibly be, yet still somehow managed to walk around this planet and interacting with daily life not realising I was living out of my own dark subconscious fantasy, or perhaps, nightmare at times.”

Yes they would since insanity cannot just be eliminated by merely realising that you have it

All things are insane. Not knowing you’re insane makes you more insane, but if you know that you’re insane, then you’re rational enough to begin fixing your own insanity. To know that you’re insane makes you sane and others find that to be insane when they claim sanity in the midst of their own insanity and blindly hypocrisize and cast lies down on the table from which we all must eat.

That was pretty much the point.

If the insane cannot tell, then how would you know if you were not one of them?

Maybe the insane cannot tell if they are insane or not, but the sane can tell that they are sane, and thus that they are not insane.

Again, specifically in the cases of Ecmandu and PhoneticEthics it is too apparent that their entire philosophies are built on a psychological need, but not the need to see reality. In Ecmandu’s case, it is his need to cover up for and justify his sexual ineptness, turning it from a weakness into a strength (first person on earth to earn the right to have sex, ROFL), in PhonticEthics’s case it’s his need to be seen and acknowledged as a genius, or whatever.

The philosophies of these people are then built around that. But how did their thought processes go when they first started building their positions? Did they recognize their bias with their faint remnants of sanity, and try to fight it with reason? Or did they choose to indulge in it willingly and continuously, until they eventually bought into the bullshit themselves? DID THEY buy into their own bullshit? Or are they just trying to sell it to others? It’s always baffled me how people can be so insane regarding some specific things, and yet function properly and otherwise be reasonable in almost everything else.

AoC wrote:

In Ecmandu’s case, in the photograph of him wearing the medal and the other children surrounding him, is perhaps the first documented sign of his estrangement from society.

In PhoneticEthic’s case his mental disturbances could be seen as (particularly his last post) demonic possession.

AoC … I’m going to put this to you straight forward,

You have to tell a woman that sexual stratification and approach escalation stratification cause more combined deaths each year than deaths from war, homicide and female suicide combined, you have to tell them that to calculate for the consent of the unborn child, you have to give that child, instant, painless and mess less suicide options in order to deserve sex from a female … You can never flirt with them, approach them or engage in conspicuous consumption to deserve sex from them as well.

I’m giving 1/10th of the proof that I’m the first person, and I can prove just these minute axioms to the point that you are a hipocrite for living unless you accept them… And that’s only a tenth of my proof …,

Yes, I am the first person born to earn sex!!!

All the sex you had, you stole… You’re a rapist!!!

I’m not insane…

I’ve already placed a wager with all of you, you may or may not know it…

If I’m wrong, I’m sent to hell forever…

If you’re wrong, your sent to hell forever, and you can’t plead insanity or ignorance to escape!!!

Considering I’ve already been resurrected from the land of the dead… I offer this to you.

Well right there is the issue, a catch 22.

One must know whether he is sane before he knows whether he can know if he is sane.

It’s not a catch 22 if you explicate my wager… That you can’t use insanity or ignorance as an excuse in trial !!!

Ecmandu wrote:

Most of us, men and women, would like a whole relationship that includes sex, but is not purely sexual.

Your point of concentration seems to be sexual gratification only.

While most women do no want a sexless relationship, they also do not want a loveless life.

Do you understand this?

Please answer this in simple terms, the question I put to you below:

You declare you have earned the right to have sex with women, but who or what gave you this right and are there others who have earned it also, since you?

You think I’m that stupid??

Women don’t like to be subjectified…