Mental Fatigue and Motivation

I seem to be able to read only for a few hours before I lose energy and become sleepy. When I rest, I do not wake up with much energy. When I am sleepy I cannot focus. I am lured into hedonistic pursuits, such as the repetitive lul of videogames - die - respawn.

Does anyone have any nootropics I would use that would not harm me? This seems to be a natural mechanism. It is as though my brain gets overheated from all the information. Sleepiness is like my cool drive. I am worried nootropics will upset the delicate balance mother nature intended.

The human brain is a large organ. It requires lots of resources. it is made up of 60 percent fat so it can retain more resources. People with large brains are irritable if they do not eat. The ectomorph biology maintains a higher metabolism to make up for their larger bodies and brains. I have a large body and brain. It is doubtful that farmers with the Ectomorph phenotype farmed all day. They likely worked in shifts, using workers to replace them. This in contrast to the society we have now, which is long work hours for jobs catered toward the endomorph phenotype. The endomorph phenotypes have less evolved brains, and thus can work longer hours without going into overdrive.

Motivation. It is questionable whether nootropics will upset the delicate balance, so the other factor is motivation. Energy is motivation and motivation is energy. There is no causal heirachy, they both simultaneously effect the other. A spark of motivation is all that’s needed to gain energy. As the brain luls into sleep, motivation is lost. The problem with endomorphs is that they never have the motivation to do any intellectual pursuits. With the DNA machine, I advertised a 750 IQ. However this brain would require a tremendous amount of resources to maintain. Firstly we should develop something which at least expands the brain to ectomorph levels. Secondly, we need to give the motivation and spark, for kids to learn. Without motivation, kids become too tired to think before they ever begin. Thus, they don’t even bother trying to think.

Thinking is an excersize, like baseball, softball, or dodgeball. Without the spark to play, people don’t even bother. Other people, don’t recognize their own limits. They say to themselves and demean themselves, because they happen to try to think when they are tired or in a bad mood. Then they call themselves bad names. It is a bit like a baseball player trying to play when he is tired and depressed, and saying to himself…Why am I such a bad baseball player? He is not a bad baseball player he is just playing at his worst. So it is with kids. They try when they are tired and exhausted, and because they don’t understand their feelings they make assumptions that they are incapable. Often times they are too lazy to even flip the pages.

Another key factor is stage fright. A lot of people dwell in the feminine, they are afraid of what others think. I believe on an internet boards you should say whatever you want. A lot of good ideas are lost in the aether, because people are too eager to be shy. For example, if you believe aether is real, say it. Either you will have a following, or you will get a good laugh. Say unusual ideas. Dont put them away because you are too lazy or self conscious or afraid of what people will say about you or think the words form some kind of bad voodoo thing. That is weakness.

I think that smoking cigars is good for you. Done in moderation, it will cause a steady increase in IQ and promote a well balanced character. Members of the opposite sex will become more attracted to you but, at the same time, your interest in them will fall to such a level as to render their sexual power over you negligable, which leads to a substantial feeling of smugness and superiority. These are just some of the benefits of smoking cigars.

If you rest and you do not wake up with much energy this means that you are not really resting.

Sleeping does not guarantee rest. If your body does not know how to rest, sleeping won’t really give you a rest, it will just make you numb.

You need to (re-)learn how to rest. This means going beyond fear because it is most probably fear that is clogging your energy dissipation pathways.

You need to literally force your body into rest. To rest means to dissipate excess energy that is “locked” within your body. You need to identify the precise location of these bubbles of energy within your body and then burst them. What then follows? Magic follows.

That’s all there is to it.

The goal is to make your energy flow. Not make yourself act, but your energy flow. You can make yourself act without actually making your energy flow. This is an important distinction to make.

Exactly. Their cortex misinterprets a physiological problem (the inability to dissipate excess energy) as an intellectual, or even ontological, problem.

This is why we get a lot of people speaking against civilized lifestyles and in favor of primitive lifestyles (or some false middle-ground.) Not because they are saying anything meaningful, but quite simply because they are misinterepreting reality due to all the energy they cannot dissipate properly.

This is why we get a lot of people speaking against discipline. Not because they are onto something, but because discipline requires a capacity they lack, this capacity being a capacity to relax. Because of this, they associate discipline with dissociation (= locking energy within one’s body.)

This is why we get a lot of people speaking against idealism. Not because they understood anything, but quite simply because their experience of idealism and their inability to dissipate energy led them to develop a fear of idealism. Idealism requires a strong ability to dissipate energy – which is what is required in order to successfully overcome instinct – which these individuals lack.

Isn’t that what is meant by over-intellectualization?

It is a mistake to think that this is about “failing to recognize one’s limits”. The problem isn’t intellectual, it is physiological. The problem isn’t that one “does not recognize one’s limits” but rather that one is not dissipating energy created by excess stimulation properly.

Mental over-heating indicates excessive stimulation (external stimuli + your natural reaction – the more primal your natural reaction, the more stimulated you will be) and a lack of appropriate PSNS activity (the release of excess energy created by stimulation.) In short, you are not dissipating excess energy that is produced by stimulation, but are merely numbing the feeling it creates by increasing your stimulation. This is called dissociation. It gives you a feeling of relaxation, but no process of true relaxation ever occurs.

That is definitely a neurological mal-condition almost always brought on by an early childhood disease, often unnoticed by parents. Further symptoms include the lack of concentration, daydreaming, very mild autism, and general inability to play along with the accepted social game plan.

You would probably find that until a subject is of strong interest, you would have a really hard time paying enough attention to it to learn the details of it (such as who is playing on which football team and what their stats currently are). A good deal of UNsocial behavior (not necessarily anti-social) stems from that condition.

The sense of fatigue is very common because before long everything seems like too much work, too much concentration effort for the amount of gain expected (due to experience with not making progress). Motivation is lacking simply because there is too little PHT, Perception of Hope and/or Threat to inspire action against the tide of noise and subtle anxiety.

A very special environment is required to relieve the pressure from the symptoms, and then a much higher effective “IQ” should be expected to suddenly, somewhat magically, appear. But there would be an extreme lack of appropriate information/knowledge with which the intellect could make wise decisions (due to the lack of experience with such a condition), thus unwise, yet highly intelligent, decisions would come forth. And that would lead to a re establishment of the original symptoms. A “manic-depressive” or “bipolar” TYPE of scenario would be expected as the person swayed back and forth between being confounded and clear minded such as to gradually learn how to be the person they would have been if they had never acquired the original disease.

Please ingest weed before you sleep, this will help you relax into a deeper resting state then you will wake up fully energized, but be careful not to take too much because it gives you jokeritus.

hmm these post seem pretty good i will read them over when i have more energy. right now i feel like i have knots in my brain like i have an anuerysm or something.

i will say this, sometimes when I have excessive energy bundled within, i actually feel tired until i release the energy with physical activity, which oddly enough gives me more energy.