The Case of Mr.Reasonable

Mr. Reasonable has a one dimensional personality which I can describe in one line, weed and hos. i can’t think of anything profound he has ever said. He is probably black guy who works out at the gym alot or something.

A guy to get to know

OP, I think your post says more about you than it does about me.

Worst come back ever. I don’t even lift, bro.

No Trixie, your description is wrong. Mr Reasonable’s entire identity can be summed up in one word:


That’s all you need to know about him, and there’s nothing else to him.

Yes, it did seem a bit limp. For me, it conjured up an image of a man in a cardigan and slippers wagging his finger. Yet you see him as a black weight lifter. Now I’m trying to picture an amalgamation of the two but I’m struggling.

You are a stereotype and a cliche. Grow up a bit young man.

Dislike for a person shouldn’t cloud ones judgement… if one has the intelligence not to let it, that is :wink: