*What could Consciousness Be?*

To discover what is consciousness, it may help to discover what consciousness is not. After all, inventions are often defined by their mistakes, and an invention is the opposite of it’s mistakes.

So, could we be reborn as a toaster oven? A USB Drive? Or perhaps we could be born as the cosmic stars, a nebula. But wouldn’t time fly? I mean, could we really maintain any consciousness as a nebula, for more than a spiritual second? Could we actually be a nebula, or are they much too animalistic and feminine to have any weight? What about a USB Drive? Could we find ourselves trapped in one of those? They have the dimensionality requirement, so they could potentially have the illusion of time. But why are we trapped here and now, in these bodies, in 2015?

I am tired, and I have work to do, so I will just draw a picture of my findings of consciousness and leave you all to discuss.

All the apparatus and MRI scanners in the world cannot tell us what consciousness is, but we can feel it because it is part of us - it is amazing how we think and feel (some better than others :laughing: ) and the current state of the world shows that we are taking it for granted and many are still operating from a basal animalistic survival level, but the secret cullings should be taking care of that. :-$

What are the secret calliings of which you refer?

Some people seem to have never felt puzzled at their own existence. I mean, how can someone go on never feeling the emotion of being puzzled at their own existence?

What puzzles me most is not existence itself, but how I exist in a sea of bodies that supposedly exist as well, and yet to me, they are just pink flesh brains that do not exist in me except for minor details, while the pink flesh brain I am in has many more details. What is bizzarre is why I am trapped in a pink flesh brain, if I am nothing, why I am I in this particular pink flesh brain, surrounded by its details, as if I am trapped in it unable to escape it and it is me why I am not someone else. Another bizzarre thing is why pain feels like pain, when it is supposedly a set of material interactions.

If existence is finite, then why do I exist, because it could as well be over by now.

Damn spellchecker, and damn that I cannot call you Trixiebelle anymore :angry: I have corrected it to ‘secret cullings’ which is less mystical and far more real than the typo made it.

Perhaps the puzzlement and questioning one’s existence is what separates us from them/the higher sentients from the basal level thinkers who cannot think beyond a certain level.

I think it is a choice, people cannot be held too responsible for their choices though. With the right prodding they may stumble on to the right path and choose to think more. 2/3’s of their lethargy is DNA based though, thus the need for the DNA machine.

My forum moniker isn’t exactly a name, it’s more of a title, so you can still refer to me as Trixiebelle if you want.

Consciousness is remote recognition, nothing more; nothing magical, nothing mystical.

Clear as mud.