Male/Female Brains (Pseudoscience backed up with real facts)

Male/Female brains? What is the difference? This may be Freudian psuedoscience, but I back it up with real scientific facts. Such as tests showing that men have less gray matter than women. Says so right here.
Now, I’m going to ignore that other data says that men have more gray matter than women, because it doesn’t suit my pseudoscience. But now, for the fun part, here goes. I’m going to give you my Freudian psychobabble, which is actually based on real facts observed between the sexes.

Fact is, women are more emotional less violent than men usally. also, men have a smaller amygydala when castrated. Put 2 and 2 together and what does it mean? It means that women have less emotional control, they are hysterical, and men have better control over their emotions, emotions do not overwhelm them because their emotional brain is bigger. It also means that men are more empathetic, since they have bigger brains.
Also, it means that feminized men are more eager to fight over trivial things, like being insulted, because they have no emotional control. While manly men only fight for noble ideals and the greater good. Feminized men are more concerned over language, because language is a female thing.

Studies show that the female brrain is wired for language and analytics, and the male brains are wired for perception and action. Therefore females are cold calculating, and evil, like CEO’s. This is why CEO’s are not real men, only feminized anti-christs, who only care about hygeine, like Patrick Bateman. On the other hand, Bateman is manly, because he is a man of action. This is why men are good with gears and mechanical things, because it is action oriented. It is why Satyr says feminity is wrapped up in the noetic with no connection to reality - Female brains are designed to process language…but there is no connection being made to actual perception and action!

Sources: … men-292530