Annoying cat.

You maximize her efficiency by loving her as she is.

We are only supposed to take on pets if we are mentally able to, so yes… rehoming the cat is an option for you to consider if the cat’s ways are still annoying to you.

Same goes for plants and children… we are not supposed to have them unless we are in the right mental place to look after and care for them.

How’s it going with the feline?

Thanks to global warming it is not annoying me anymore. When she decides to make me leave the door open for no reason other than to look outside, the heat loss is not that detrimental.

Annoyance seems to be a needed component to the joy of relationships, without it it becomes boring and leads to self-absorption. Still annoyed at her sadistic behavoirs, like biting me for no reason, but again, without those there is less tension, and with too little tension there it may lull into a calm.

As for global warming, one of these days I will compiile a list of statistics to prove once and for all whether it is true or not. If global warming is deemed to be true, I will then research further to discern whether the cause is manmade or nonmanmade. Trouble is, these peasants of old didn’t keep much records of the weather, to my knowledge, so maybe someone could send me an arcane database of ancient weather records?

As for the advice of giving it another home, life is a grab bag of random cats. My cat is a stray who can fend for herself. If it is up to you, why dont you find a random stray cat and give it a home. Possible theory is that cat develops sentience in proximity to another sentient, which is potentially the reason for the biblical story warning not to kill pet pigs, which may have been written due to subconscious awarenesse-es on part of the author.

I do my part, and give her food and water, not my fault if she behaves in an irrational manner and refuses to drink from certain colored bowls. I am keeping the cat.

Just take the cat to a taxidermist and get it done up really nice. Then you can still pet it and look at it, but it won’t make those noises anymore or take shits or pee on things or require any food or water. You can probably get on ebay and just order one, then just throw away the one you have now.


So it’s wrong to stuff a cat but it’s ok to spend billions coming up with new and innovative ways to scorch the earth upon which your fellow man stands, destroying hospitals and schools and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in order to steal resources and then justify it with scare tactics about religion and what not?

People don’t have their priorities in order.
It becomes obvious when people buy things in the free market.

We need pepsi, smokes, porn, games, phones, etc.
And places like africa can wait.

Yeah but we don’t need cats.

Just how did you did you make that leap

Can you be sure about that? Maybe it’s just the case that, under you influence, the cat has ended up as screwed up as you are.


Just by looking at the world.

Sure but, the way you began that, it seemed to imply I am out there condoning and helping do all of it.

Are you?

Looks like a question but I’d need a bit more information in order to be able to answer it.

She thinks you are Lev’s alternate account, a faggy hipster who doesnt like me because I dare to say that women are different from men.

As far as mr. reasonable’s suggestion…wtf why would i do that? at most i would throw bottles at her or kick her. That other thing, that’s going way too far, only humans deserve that. Why even go to the trouble of getting a real doll when you can do that?

Cats love cat doors.

If the cat is feral, that can never be taken out of it. Just means you won’t be able to pet it.

Still good company for you and the cat’s behaviour may moderate after having regular meals and a comfortable bed.

I have three dogs and two cats, the only animal I actually bought was my little staffie, the others all came to me by way of their misfortunes.

They settled down when they realised that this was their home.

Good for you.
Do you keep your cat indoors?

My cat goes outside when she wants to, bites me when she wants to. There is no ownership involved, it is a symbiotic relationship, she is hired help, a hitman, to kill the mice, and for that i give her free stay, room and board.