You Are Getting Sleepy .. or Are You?

With sleep problems, your whole personality and mental abilities are disrupted into more chaos and ineptitude. Common sleep problems are a difficult thing to deal with these days.

What is needed for good sleep is to minimize the disturbances of the nervous system so that it can follow its own inspiration and dream. There are two critical phases to sleep; REM dreaming and “delta”.

The delta sleep is when the nervous system releases the body from directed activity and allows it to chemically settle, “rest”. It is during those moments that the body attempts to restore energy supplies (extracting and burning stored fat - lipolysis), remove lactic acid, restore ATP levels, and generally perform anabolic functions. Also respiration and good clean oxygen (allergy free) are needed for those functions so a filtered fan and/or nose implements might be helpful (snoring is a bad sign).

Calorie Deficiency
The mind and body senses time to sleep by first noting a deficiency in blood glucose (feeling tired, confused, and out of energy) and the presence of lactic acid, mild “lactic acidosis” and low blood pH. Thus using extra energy through exercise and/or not consuming calories then giving yourself a little time to relax again, helps to inspire the urge to fall into delta sleep. Reduce your blood glucose before you go to bed by getting exercise without consuming calories.

And realize that the body needs fluidity to get these issues resolved, so don’t go to sleep too dried out (unless for some specific purpose). Again, distilled water helps because it helps to form electrolytes from the salts, minerals, and just about everything as manageable transportable fluids. And also water plays the major role in allowing the body to find its ideal temperature, through mild perspiration. Don’t sleep too cold or too hot. Allow the body to regulate its temperature in either direction. Down comforters and cotton sheets are great for that function.

The pancreas gland directly senses changes in blood glucose level due to nervous tension affecting the adrenal and pituitary glands and in turn produces insulin which is a major factor in causing inhibition of sleep and anabolic functions (not to mention eventual diabetes and hypoglycemia). The adrenal, pancreas, and pituitary glands get tormented throughout the day in most people, both medically and psychologically. And as that happens, insulin issues arise (amongst many other hormones produced by the gland trio). The body seriously needs to stop tormenting the pituitary-adrenal-pancreas glands if it wants to function normally. Delta sleep serves that need by turning off almost all nervous activity to the body.

The primary way to inspire the calming of the nervous system is to simply isolate oneself from triggers - no light, no sound, no movements, no smells, no sensations (most especially no TV as the TV is designed very expertly to draw attention through stimulation and hypnosis). Unfortunately often the body is so disturbed that it requires a little help toward relaxation through the harmonizing of the inner noise via a little bit of outer harmonic noise - soft music, ocean wave sounds, or anything gentle and predictably patterned. Mild rocking motions commonly used for babies also works on adults, but are a bit more difficult to arrange. Pleasant aromas often inspire less subtle worry through the inference of pleasantness and a time to relax. And of course there are chemicals and drugs designed to demand the calming of the nervous system; sleep aids (usually diphenhydramide HCL), melatonin, valerian, or L-tryptophan. Oddly at times, stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, ritalin/methylphenidate ) can force a very noisy nervous system into submission and ease sleep in the beginning, but then defeat it after a short time. Ideally, such outer influences should fade away as deeper sleep comes and they are no longer needed and become more disruptive than productive.

Sleep Time Trigger
Much of the body and mind falls into cycles and rhythms inspired by a variety of influences. The mind tends to fall toward its own predicted immediate future, self-fulfilling prophecies. And thus the mind and body follows established patterns, habits. So by establishing a very specific time and/or other trigger that always immediately precedes sleep, one can help inspire more cooperation toward deeper sleep from the natural tendencies of the mind and body to follow the pattern. And of course frequent naps reduce the body’s need for sleep and thus can prevent the deeper sleep from being inspired. So avoid frequent naps if possible.

Pleasant Contemplation
Thoughts of pleasant environments, even fantasies, that are not stimulating, but rather merely relaxing, helps the mind accept the notion of calming the stress and temporarily forgetting about worry tension. Thus at the predictable sleep time, purposefully contemplating pleasant environments also inspires cooperation toward deeper sleep and dreaming. Of course doing that as often as possible during waking hours helps reduce the stress buildup to begin with. Sleep with a smile.

Balancing Brain Chemicals - Dreaming
Dreams are actually the effort to resolve brain chemical imbalances. This is experienced as dreams because it is a part of the brain/mind system of thought processing. As certain chemicals reduce to a better anabolic state, they trigger other imbalances through connected neurological pathways. Those pathways and subsequent reactions are part of the thinking, predicting, and response mechanism known as the “mind” or “psyche”. So it isn’t a mere matter of a single chemical imbalance being resolved at a specific location, but rather a long chain of networked reactions having to be processed so as to reach a final resolve for the greater portion of the brain.

The processing of those reactions toward a chemical resolve are your dreams. And if not allowed to take place, the brain is overcome with chemical imbalance, no longer capable of functioning to support a rational mind. REM sleep is not a nicety, but a necessity. And to ensure that the brain has a chance to resolve the required complex train of adjustments and responses, isolation from disturbances is required. It is much like letting a surgeon complete his work without disturbance or interference. Your dreams are auto-surgery on your brain, without which you suffer wetware corruption, decay, and insanity. Stress from brain chemical imbalance (“mental stress”) prevents the pituitary-adrenal-pancreas glands from performing normally and can create all of the problems mentioned above. A good degree of regular sensory deprecation is required in life.

Worry and the Medical Environment
Those brain chemical imbalances are caused both medically (toxins, germs, and such - diseases) as well as mentally/psychologically through the process of inadequate threat resolution; medical exposure and “worry”. Obviously the first preventative for such a condition is to avoid the causes of worry (going to places or doing things that inspire threats) and medical isolation from the toxic environment and people. The more that can be accomplished, the easier chemical resolution can take place and to a more pure degree, leaving the brain far more capable of rational and clear alertness. Worries and neurological toxins and viruses are the “dirt” in the brain’s mechanism.

And then the greatest single aid to getting good sleep is to be surrounded by a truly loving environment involving non-judgmental people who know what love is really all about (a rare find during these socialistically over-manipulated days). A truly loving surrounding is one wherein the maximum integral of joy over time, MIJOT, is actively sought as the highest priority. Debilitating stress and consequential sleep apnea problems in such an environment are hard to find.

Artificial light: We have a biological clock called a circadian rhythm, and one should naturally feel sleepy when one’s biological clock says that it is time to go to bed. Unfortunately, certain things can disrupt this natural rhythm, and one of the worst culprits for this is UV light. Although most devices emit only small amounts of UV light compared to the sun, even these low levels are sometimes enough to reset one’s internal clock.

Coffee People’s beverage habits make no sense to me. They get up and first thing they do is have a cup of coffee. This dose of caffeine first thing in the morning is completely unnecessary, as the rising sun will naturally stimulate one’s metabolism. The first thing I do when I get up is have a glass of wine. That cup of coffee, however, might come in handy around late afternoon, when the sun’s light is fading, and one starts to feel a bit groggy. The traditional English lifestyle included an afternoon tea, and this makes more sense to me than a morning coffee. By bedtime, the caffeine from your afternoon tea should be working its way out of your system, and one should once again be starting to feel sleepy. Tea is also preferable to coffee for its lower caffeine content. The latest research suggests that while coffee is a healthy drink, the caffeine in coffee is not so healthy. Decaf is a good alternative, and has a caffeine content comparable to tea.

Sleeping eye masks help more than most people would think.

I’m thinking the sleeping eye mask might be a good way to deal with this growing bedbug epidemic. Since the little suckers are nocturnal, a way to frustrate them might be to just turn the lights on when one goes to bed, then switch them off and close the curtains upon rising in the morning. The mask would make it easier to sleep with the lights turned on.