Women are incapable of Love.

Love is a masculine Projection, a push.

A woman feels love, but it is the love of her lover. Her lover creates the love. She simply feels it.

When she professes her love to him, she is merely signifying a starvation, a need for his love. She is not actually generating any love of her own.

You need to set your definitions right.

Love has nothing to with the your so called push. That push certaily represents maleness but it is a symbol for creation/innovation, not love.

[u]Love does not mean creation but taking care of what is being created or already created.

Deep down at the bottom, Maleness is visualization/potential and femaleness is where that materialization of that potential takes place. That is how creation use to happen and taken care of also.[/u]

[u]And, females can do that many times better than men.

A true man also needs that much of femaleness in order to get his push going in the right direction.
Otherwise his push will destruct more than construct[/u].

with love,

Nonsense. Females do not love, they are just money grubbing golddiggers.

The only reason they love their babies is because of the masculine push of the baby sucking on it’s tit. It, the female specimen, feeds on this primal bond for the rest of it’s years.

This isn’t correct Trix.

All I need is about $50,000.00 or more a year and then, only then will I find a great deal of many women capable of loving so long as they are allowed a monthly percentage of it.

I guess you are right, Women do love the green paper and the government behind the green paper.

Prostitute reproductive nesting with estrogen.

All one needs to know about human females.

I am so full of love. Or shit. Sometimes it is hard to tell.

How much for either? What’s your price?

Do you take dollars, check, or credit?

Can you break change by chance?

I could probably buy you and all you own for a day’s pay kiddo.

Tell us about your husband and the kids Phone.

What kind of bankroll does he have?

Who’s the relationship breadwinner?

I’m a baker. I make my bread with these raises hands.

Yeah, you didn’t want to answer those questions in complete details.

That’s what I thought. :wink:. Typical.

You won’t even post a pic of your face. Why should I feel under any obligation to go into detail on my personal life? These walls have ears kiddo.


You are too immature to understand and handle such complex issues, at least for now. But, somehow you get this impression in your mind that you deducted all. That happens sometimes with young and enthusiastic intellectuals. But, things do not happen that easily in reality and everything takes its own couse and time. Thus, it would not serve any purpose to agrue with you.I said what had to say. It is up to you to accept it ot reject it. But, i expect that being an intellectual, you will al least think over it.

with love,

Young and immature. That’s a laugh. As if a species of old gorrilas, old baboons was somehow wise. Doesn’t take wisdom to observe a specimen, witness its behavoirs in its natural habitat. Women are dumb, useless garbage, and that’s that.

Ah kids these days.

Male and female are just forms of positive/negative or anti-clockwise spin/clockwise spin energy. They form the left spin, right spin and black hole trilogy of both religion and science.

Male and female are attracted to one anther due to the nature of aether which is alternate left and right spin. Thus, the matrix of the universe must always have a balanced number of left and right spin elements. Homosexuals will lack spin energy or have a spin imbalance. They will constitute 5 % of a given population because the proportion of matter to space is 5/100.

Since you are neither your view is not qualified. And since you are young you have still much to learn

Lev it appears that you are somewhat of a romanticist?

If that means I like to treat people as people, and reserve sex for special occasions then yes.