The Flow of Evolution, the Path of gods

It is said that Time goes faster as you go on.

Humans evolved from mere bacteria to Creators.

Through the path of time, after death you go on to the next similar state. Nature takes the path of least resistance. If you have the life of a dog your next life you have the mind of a dog. If you have the life of a saint the next life you have the life of a saint. Conservation of energy. Natural motion.

Time goes fast for the elderly. In the next body they will become as gods. It is said in the Bible that 1,000 years is but the blink of an eye to a god.

The Bible was put here by the Extra Terrestrials to mold us, shape us, and evolve us. It showed us the evil of human nature and absolute power, taught us the sin of blind faith and idiocy, showed us how humans twist good words to do evil things, showed humans are blind sheep, and it taught us how to debate and think critically, it also taught us some life lessons and parables, and it also taught us how to read between the lines and make deeper connections than just blind faith and literal readings. It also evolved us morally, proving that human morality can be learned without a book, and that even gods contradict themselves and do not have consistent morality, but that gods can change their ways and become nonviolent.

I am the mechanism of evolution. I will change the human DNA so they become as gods. It is my purpose. It is like they say in Bible school, one must do action yourself in order to change the world. That is God at work. God does not sit and do nothing. You are the mechanism of his action. Heaven will exist, because I will create it. Human DNA will be upgraded, because I am the action of change. This is the way God works, and the elderly will become as gods, creating a smooth transition between their fast perception of time, to a godly fast perception of time, because I make it so in the future.

Trixie this sounds familiar. Very well said, and i concur 99%. How does DNA manipulation fit in? Maybe it can slow down time, some eternal substance which can retard the bio-chemstry or change it some, so that our perceptions may change? I would not be surprised if such a substance would be discovered. Slow down the bi-chemical progression.

I think this post is in the wrong subforum

I think this thread is in the wrong Forum.

This should be in Alt.SCI-FI

This has nothing to do with philosophy, and everything to do with fantasy.