I Finally Got in the Hall of Shame!

I petitioned Magsj in the past to let me in, but she said no.

Now my obtrusive insult is enshrined, permanently pinned to the top of the forum… where thousands will see it, instead of fading into the background noise of this site buried 20 pages back.

Thanks Magsj. Your not that boring after all. A little lame, okay… a lot of lame, but that’s a upgrade from boring.

Woooo hoooooo! I’m notorious now.


Where is this…“hall of shame”, of which you speak?


Here, only the very best forum users are enshrined there. It was one of the two visible parts of the site I couldn’t reply in… drove me nuts, and now I am innnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

I’m a man of status and respectability now, I’ll have to start giving off airs as I pass around members of this community. Wear a bowler hat, and pipe in giving my viewpoint on how things are, even when not solicited. Roll up my sleeves on occasion, and get down and dirty with you commoners who still haven’t been ennobled by the hall of shame. Admit it, your jealous.

I am. Apparently, it only admits comments from the psychology section, so I need to troll those boards more there.

Its more than that, I did that for years, and all that resulted was I became an excellent psychologist in possession of insight, empathy, and understanding… weird side effect for trolling a psychology forum. Yet for all those actions, I still didn’t get in.

She keeps the actual cause for getting in hidden, as it appears cometely at random. Lots of posts deserve to be put in there, if not most. But years have gone by without a single entry, and then poof, a seeming random posts gets “honoured” by her majesty and enters. Complete mystification. My theory… I think she just doesn’t like Peter Capaldi, its why I got in.

Anyway, obviously there is no moral value to having the thread, as people can’t look at the very rare post listed in it, and compare it to the posts otherwise made, and come to a conclusion of good and wrong behavior… no way to learn from that… qualitatively, they really don’t differ much, if at all, from the non-hall of fame posts.

So its pure status symbolism. Its my forum Oscar. I have finally arrived.

I doubt you can get in Trixie, your too new, it takes years. It doesn’t get delivered on merit, but whim in the end…
and you can’t influence her whim by begging, for it cheapens her whims. Her whims are precious and pure, and are not to be influenced by the perspective outlook and emotional flux and aspirations of other, mere mortals. I doubt she will even give you the time of the day.

Way to work, sport! Congratulations.

Seems like I remember making it in back around 04.


You’re welcome… and you get a warning to go with your entry :wink:

Warning naturally rejected, and wrongdoing doing not accepted. You never should of allowed such a broken device to exist in your forum in the first place.

It either should be maintained, which is utterly stupid, trying to shame and ostrachize thoughts, by putting EVERYTHING bad and offensive in it… entire threads that have gone in for months and years are far more offensive, to both you personally, and everyone… left unmolested…

…or should just be gotten rid of as it mocks the idea there really isn’t any standard here…

and shaming people only works if the people CAN BE SHAMED in the first place, or if its healthy and wise to even attempt to do so.

Its not too different to how they used to stick severed heads on poles to cower the peasants. The poles obviously didn’t work, as there was always a head on them, and regular rebellions and assassination attempts.

If you try to enforce shame, and do it badly, what dies it breed? Contempt. If you do it well? Contempt and usurpation. Randomly and weakly, without logic? Not a sense of benevolence, but of disgust and alienation.

Its a signal to everyone.

So thus isn’t a warning to me, but one to you. Fuck, you can permaban me, still wouldn’t change the truth of it.

You wanted the Hall of Shame, you got the Hall of Shame… and all the trappings that go with it.

How about get carleas to make the Hall of Shame as the top section of the site, open to everyone to post in it, and make me the moderator of it.

(Spell checker autocorrected Carleas to Carless.)