Do you feel a 'presence' ?

Egoism is more complex than “being nice to others” and not. I’m not saying that just cause this is egoism, the person is filled with egoism. Or more ego-centered than others. I’m just saying it’s built on egoism. The thaught of “being watched” builts on a feeling or thaught of you being in the centre of things.

What else can it build on, what else can be the cause?

You want me to name a few causes? Here they are: an animal being preyed upon is watched, an actor is watched, the environment is (observed) or watched, milk boiling is watched, etc., would you say then that, the prey, milk and environment consider themselves to be the centre of attention? No, only an actor does and mind you the actor is not watched by one but many in general. So your egoism doesn’t click here in the case of being watched by a spirit. Answer this, if you had ego then it would be your ego making you do stuff so you’d get attention, right? A spirit watching you for its own purpose, how can you call that egoism, where do you even figure in here? Whatever…

I just read about the Holy Trinity and although I don’t believe in all those that the websites said, but I think that if something like God exists then this is the way The Holy Trinity would go. Messengers are His word and the spirit would be His thinking or thoughts, very similar to that inner voice of ours. So, where words can be wrong but thinking cannot be wrong because it’s God’s thinking, His thoughts. So, when schizophrenics think that God is speaking to them then their thoughts are in many instances, the thinking of God, I believe this because many talk about humanity, justice and being humane in general, which God inadvertantly is. And even after schizophrenic after schizophrenic is talking about something “alien” or “God speaking to them,” despite that, the psychiatrists do not feel they have a duty to look into it but they find it easier to term them as mentally handicapped. I’m just expressing my thoughts, not enforcing them on anyone. Otherwise you tell me that I don’t have freedom of speech even and then I’ll understand that. Now where it is also true that there is definately a chemical imbalance inside a schizophrenic but this imbalance that creates a higher dopamine level and so higher intelligence and consciousness would you not say is precisely the reason that brings schizophrenics so closer to God or THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS?

“A general theory is proposed that attributes the origins of human intelligence to an expansion of dopaminergic systems in human cognition. Dopamine is postulated to be the key neurotransmitter regulating six predominantly left-hemispheric cognitive skills critical to human language and thought: motor planning, working memory, cognitive flexibility, abstract reasoning, temporal analysis/sequencing, and generativity.”

I also wanted to add that, since life is a balance, so where God’s voice speaks to a schizophrenic, the Devils voice does too. Does that mean that God and Devil might be the same being? Perhaps! I don’t know. Because of the two voices that speak two different languages, one from God and another from the Devil at different times, that is why you the schizophrenic needs to be very perceptive and distinguish in what is rational and good and what is not. My suggestion is that if you just live your life responsibly, then no matter what you WILL make the right decision and be spared of any wrong done to you or by you. Whatever…

Interesting last post Beenajain.


A situation or condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities.

Now, Jain, may I call you that? (Taking your silence for acknowledgment :wink: ) You wrote:

I question the legitimacy of this claim. Are more left brain oriented people of a higher intelligence then right brain people? Can intelligence even be measured this way? Was Einstien more intelligent then Mozart? I don’t believe its just to reason that schizophrenics are more intelleligent.

Now this is very interesting. You wrote:

Indeed perhaps. For ones god or devil is really ones self is it not?

No, Einstein was not more intelligent than Mozart because intelligence has to do with commomsense mainly and that can vary depending on the situation or circumstance or activity or interest in it, etc., but we are all the same intelligent. I feel that we are all intelligent in our own ways, but Einstein was definately more brilliant than Mozart in the sense I feel that he could make brilliant connections perhaps. Also, some people think that intelligent or brilliant people are not stupid, let me assure you that they both go together and with the same intensity too. A really intelligent or brilliant person can make a very stupid mistake because he’s not wise because wisdom comes from experience alone. Therefore, no one is really more intelligent than another because commonsense comes from experience too. But there can be degrees to brilliance I feel.

As to the definition of schizophrenia, who defined it? I don’t feel it’s right, so I don’t believe in it. I don’t have to. Please read my two essays on schizophrenia at my website, and then come and define it again here.

And call me Beena, that’s my first name.

Cool! You agree with me that God is both, God and Devil, so why call Him God? Why not Higher Justice?

The fool learns from his mistakes. The wise man learns from other peoples mistakes.

Therefore wisdom does not come only from personal exprience as you imply.

Babymine! People don’t even learn from their own mistakes, let alone that others make. Have you heard of the saying, ‘experience is the comb life gives us when we go bald.’ It is true. We just keep repeating our own mistakes even, usually that’s the case. As to learning from others’ mistakes, why would anybody do that? I would not do that ever, I’d like to go through the experience and SEE for myself and then come to my own decision and conclusion. That person cannot have lived life who would learn from another’s mistakes, let me assure you. What would life be if you don’t experience it yourself. Life is not just plain sailing, it’s high tides too. Wouldn’t you like to experience the high tides in your life, my dear? If someone has coined a phrase like the one you quote, hah! I don’t have to believe in it!

Id rather learn touching a hot stove is bad by seeing someone touch it and get burned then myself touching it and getting burned.

You are hilarious I figured you would even contest this haha this is my last reply to one of your posts I don’t like talking to walls.

You’re right! But you misunderstood the gist of what I was saying. I was trying to say that, let’s say I make a mistake A, if I learn from it right after, then the circumstances won’t arise where I can implement this learning. And if I don’t learn from it and keep repeating it, then the circumstances are obviously there but they will disappear, as soon as I learn from my mistake. So you see, NO ONE really learns from their mistakes either. Now if you’re going to take an example of getting physically burnt at the stove and learning, that’s too small a thing, I was talking about big things like getting burnt in a relationship and learning from that, etc. Hehehe! That’s funny, your stove and burn example. Anyways! The point is that you’re right in what you say, but that’s NOT the context I was considering.

i can only feel a presence like i can feel is someone is coming behind me or if someone is getting close to coming behind me, but nothing like that. i don’t know about all of that.

There’s a few things wrong with that. First off let’s start with your assumption that spirits behave like human beings. That may be true in some cases, but certainly not in all cases. Many tribal cultures believe in guardian spirits which watch over family members of the living constantly. The second assumption you made is that a spirit can only do one thing at a time. If you’ve ever been to the spirit realm you know this to not be true. One thing at a time makes less sense there. Events seem to happen on top of each other, or all at the same time. Time itself is elastic and stretchable. Five minutes in the spirit realm can seem like years. Another assumption that you made was that reason and logic are primary to the spirit realm. They aren’t, or at least apply much less to the spirit realm then to the physical dimensions. The final assumption that you made is that the feeling of a presence in the room only applies to one presence. There are more spirits in the spirit realm then there are people in the physical realm. It is quite possible at any time that there might not only be a spiritual presence in the room with you, but an unfamiliar spiritual presence that you have never been in contact with before.

As much as it pains me to quote from twelve step programs, I feel it necessary in this case. “The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome.”

If you make mistake A, and you learn from it, that doesn’t mean the circumstances won’t arise again, it just means you won’t repeat the same bad decision. And if the mistake was what caused the circumstance, as I’m betting you’re going to reply with, if you do not get into that situation again, then you have learned from the mistake.

Take, for example, a woman goes to a bar in a bad part of a city. She wears a very tight and revealing outfit, and she is later attacked in the parking lot. That woman could then decide to A, not visit the bar again, therefore preventing the circumstance from being a problem, or B, visit the bar again, but this time in less revealing clothing and possibly bring a taser or mace with her.


The best way to get rid of any presence is to ignore it. I have no idea of the rest of what you were talking about…

wow… that is opposite of my beliefs. Your ego is the most mundane part of your existance. There is no way it could detect something extra sensory. Secondly, the ego consists of memory. In order for the ego to need or want you to be the center of the world, you would have to specifically remember yourself needing to believe that you are the center of the world. Unconscious thought processes have little or nothing to do with the ego.

Well, as I just explained it CAN’T be built on egoism logically, so it is built upon unconscious thought processes which have extra perceptive powers. So the most obvious answer is that there is some undetectable presence in the room…

I have witnessed supernatural events before. So has science for that matter. People can disbelieve in them all they want. That won’t make them any less real. This whole skeptisism of anything undetectable by human senses is folly anyway.

As for the God and Devil thing, I am a firm believer in pantheism, so according to my beliefs everything is one thing, and that thing is God. Same goes with the thoughts of skitzophrenics, or thoughts period. They are all God’s thoughts. I do, however, have a different explaination for seemingly “good or bad” supernatural events. There are good and bad supernatural entities. In Buddhism they call these The Gods, and The Jealous God’s. The Jealous Gods can be manipulative and dangerous.

I would like to read those… what address?

They’re history now! Man! The research I did on that issue, wow! If I list the no. of sites I visited for my research, you’d faint! Anyways, I’ll probably put up my site again as soon as I’m a little more comfortable with the internet and have the use of my own credit cards back. It’s not fair when we have cash or cheques then why we can’t use them as well. To me that’s wrong to say that the most respected and honoured and used way of dealing with money is outdated on the internet just because there is plastic money circulating now. That’s like saying throw Newton out 'cause we have Einstein now. Oh! No! That’s not the way it goes. I’m just sulking :frowning:

Spirts and realms… whew yeah thats deep stuff, but anyway I would say that the "presence you possibly could be encountering is whatever you want it to be. If you believe you are haunted by ghost(spirits whatever you wanna call them) then you will be. Arent we all slaves to our own reality. Whatever you percieve to be true will… and i can guarantee that. The next time you feel this presence, if you percieve that someone is with you from another realm, maybe you should get at that crossing over cat.

Believe what you will, and violá.

Perception is an integral part of reality… You can ask any physicist about that.