Crack pot comment of the week.

The man that last week signed of on $220,000,000 of US tax payers money to re-supply the Israeli army is actually a MUSLIM!!!

Not only that but there is no real proof yet that Obama did not mastermind 9/11. Or, for that matter, the Kennedy assassination. After all, everyone knows that you can’t trust Kenyans.

True. And there is still not a scrap of evidence that Obama is NOT an alien.

The staple reply from they who mindlessly comply.
Note who agreed with you. :laughing:

Indeed. Nor any evidence that he wasn’t the one who nailed Jesus to the cross.

Muishkin = Marxist
Obama = head of government + black

Get it?

What you mean 99% of the world who thinks Obama is a Christian as he says, and as he practices, as against 1% of strange people who think he is an alien and/or a Muslim?

Let me think??? Who shall I believe?
None of the above.
Where is your fucking evidence? That is what I am interested in, not rabble rousing.

Are you an eight year old that you finally worked out the myth of the “good guy verses bad guy”??
If you can’t work from evidence, then you might as well keep to your childish angst and scweem and scweem until you are sick.
If BO is a Muslim tell me how he just picked up the tab for the last Israeli arms bill?
Why he has not joined the majority of other world leaders in condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza?

Obama is mixed race actually, or would you rather he denied the sum of his parts of the white side?

I am mixed too, so resistance is futile :wink:

Race mixing is the liberal way of dealing with the black problem my dear.
It’s genocide by another name.

Liberal Marxists like Muishkin don’t want to soil their hands, they want the white working class (who they perceive as ignorant animals) to do the dirty work whilst they sit in their comfortable, middle class homes earning on a university education.
You’ll notice in the liberal press how the white working class are always considered criminals whilst blacks are eternal victims.

That might be a pleasant drug for yourself in present times, but one has to look at the long game and what it entails in terms of the numbers.
Within a couple of generations most of England’s black population will be gone.

Perhaps you’d like to consider why it is common knowledge now that blacks first came to Britain en masse in the fifties and sixties, when there was in fact a sizable community here in Elizabethan England.


My triumvirate mix is as a result of migration/warring, a century/many centuries ago, East-Indian/French blood became intertwined with Carib blood, all respectively, so it was a matter of circumstance rather than a deliberate act of ‘genocide’… both my parents and I were made the old-fashioned way, with ancient blood running through our veins :wink:

My parents came here, not I, and they retired in their early 40s to back from whence they came to live a relaxed life of which they had left, and one that I will be privvy to if I so choose to depart in the same fashion… some of us have options darling… not all Caribbeans are common paupers who needed to come here to make their fortune.

Mixing (somewhat) is good for the gene pool, doesn’t it refresh the parts that other too-akin genes cannot reach, so who is benefiting from this ‘inter-mixing’ the most?

Regarding the OP: people can be arrested for threats etc. but not just for being anti-Obama, so perhaps there is more to them than just being anti-Obama.

We are al of the same blood coming from a small clade of Homo Sapiens, in southern Africa around 150,000 years ago.
We did not start to spread out and diversify until around 40,000 years ago.
This means only around 2000 generations of separation.

No such thing as diversification in this context.
We were never the same to begin with.
Racial evolution begun much earlier and intelligence was the driving force.
That’s why Tasmanian aborigines have not turned into white people, despite living in an identical climate for longer.

…but do you think that Aborigines are pro or anti Obama :confusion-shrug:

An interesting topic, and one of my favourites… along with the origins of language, and ancient civilisations, etc., but lets not send Lev’s thread off-topic with it…

multis e gentibus vires

I’m guessing that’s ‘thank you very much’ in… Spanish?

I wonder if Obama speaks Spanish :confused:

From Many People’s Strength… what is the context here?

The context that Ecclesiates dragged the thread to.

Since no one has directly addressed the thread I suggest you shut it down.

Welcome to the police state. Only statist approved thinking or expressions are tolerated here.

Get use to the Jack boots and the stomping until somebody or something rises up…