Seeking to identif

Long fallen, down, down, toward
The sun,

Back toward a mistaken unity, down down toward the black identity,

Where-in the Anger rise,
Can, Ken,
Rise, toward this anthromophorm,
This black night,

Whom they do not hate but of fear,
Avoid, the mask of irrelevance within the sublime fold
The identity based on superficial, mystical union,

Skipping steps,
Down down dizzying quierry,
A formless form,
Step through now braveheart,
Step trough familiar,
As is won’t.

It is a model within a model within which
At the last wrung,
Something-somewhat back,
Ever so gentle.

That him maybe,
Should be,
In his image,
Seminal thoughts use,
You. Anti maze can, get you out, but so,
As if tenderest ripples,
Can get out, by the skin of our teeth.

The sun is bright but inside is black, like our minds. Except our minds don’t shine in that way, so its just dark.

Is there a need to make an identity with that darkness, when the light perhaps is in what you can do with that darkness. The light is then what you do with the dark, but that doesn’t mean our minds are dark? The associations here whilst poetic, require balance such to see its light?

There is a need, not mine, perhaps,
Not yours,
But as the gods of the twilight left the future
open, the sustained circle of the ring,
A magical mystery, not closed,
Some differences candy wrapped for the descent,
To make it more painless, more palatable,
Not of my mind but yours, ours,
Try:keep aloof a veritable anchor to stay afloat,
While not mistaken for out of sorts
Alienated trickster, for the sake of affect. No.
The scorpion is more obvious there, loosing the glistening
allure, the anti maze, as in mlif redrum.