Yoda Speaks: "There's a Snake in my Tail."

[size=85]To be read with some urgency :mrgreen: [/size]

Yoda Speaks: “There’s a Snake in my Tail.”

There’s a snake in my tail.
He wiggles ~ he waggles
lashes out like a whip.

He creeps Mommy out
when she stares down at him.
He holds her in fanciful clutches.

Such a hairy, demonic head has he
eerily seeking, with reptilian stealth ~
like a thing in a running horror film.

He does what he wants ~ goes where he wills.
How can I control him ~ it’s futile.
We’re of two different minds you see.

He’s a haughty snake ~ such an Ego.
I walk yet it’s his head held high.
They tell me he’s me but I don’t understand.

I’ve been told: “If you chase him, he’ll follow.”
for tag is his most favorite game.
But running in circles to Nowhere?

That dastardly snake starts to slither
when Mommy looks into my eyes.
I tell him: “Be Still! Her look is for me!"

I want that snake gone. Please take him away.
I’ve travelled six years and beyond with him.
He’s a burden to me ~ this striped devil!

A whisper. I hear it. “Hey, over here.”
I perk up my ears. “What is that ~ and where?”
“It’s me ~ your tail. I’m a part of you. See?”

I ROAR to the gods: "Be gone with him!"
And then ~ a soft caress curls round my leg.
“That’s You? ~ that’s Me?” Oh, what harmony.

Oh, what a failure this poem is - oh, what a failure. lol Anyway, believe or not, I so absolutely enjoyed writing it. I was at times creeped out by my own imagination in “seeing” the “snake” in Yoda’s tail and I laughed as I strugged to find the right words, to keep some meaning to it that was ultimately conscious on my part. It’s remarkable how I somehow, when writing, manage to so entertain myself.

So, I wanted to take a quick walk in here to just ask the question. I’ve seen that there have been a few who would appear to have read my poem about Yoda speaking of his tail. As to whether or not, they had the patience to read all of it, this is my question.

For those of you who have a cat or cats, since reading this, have you taken another look at your cat’s tail? :laughing: Has any residue of any kind of qualia seeped into your mind, into your imagination, and are you able to “see” the “snake” in your your cat’s tail, that little demon snake that resides in there? Or, have you simply blocked out this creepy hideous poem of mine, because you can’t bear the Stephen King ambience of it all? If you have blocked it out - just a suggestion. Pay attention to your cat’s tail, observe it, make friends with the demon snake in there. Talk to your cat about it - it is quite the experience.

Just a word here. There was a more hidden, underlying, if not profound :mrgreen: meaning that I was trying to convey or at least imply with this poem. I have a weird mind. No, that wasn’t it - that wasn’t what I was alluding to. I’m just saying that I have a weird kind of mind.