In the dark

As a lay eyes closed in the dark.
just how dark is dark anyway.
I look for colour then draw the light away.
it gets darker how much darker.
I go deeper into the darkness it’s all around me.
I draw all the light I find away from this darkness where am I.
Is the dark whats happening elsewhere in some eternal realm.
Is dark just void with glimpses of light from near by with me here moving on planet earth.
am I in eternity or am I in all that man has seen or some kind of both.
If it’s is so dark inside maybe it’s more than simply eternal maybe I can draw from a super infinite realm.
some sort of infinity encompassing all infinities or maybe all analogue infinities.
but then there I enter someone else’s mind or is it my own or a collective of minds drawing me into the light some 3d computer graphics like light.
Is sacred geometry eternal or pushed onto man through the wishes of ignorance is it rougher outside in this universe of thinking or both.
Is this roughness accessible to some kind of dark soul or even just simply my DNA in action.
and when I look for more than just man what is that pulling me back and wishing for all that is poor of man’s ways to be drawn here to earth.
who is plundering the earth action after action in big business every time big business sways away from needing to plunder what pulls it back to the plunder.
This is me dreaming just again pulled back into something that looks like computer simulation of a dream once when I was a child there was real dreams at times.
I don’t want to fly I want to walk the gravities of a million different realities.

The end…