alien rehab

I had a series of dreams today. For some reason, each dream was a continuation of the one before it.
The story went like this:

I was a secret agent working for a secret facility. The facility processed alien technology recovered from crashed space ships, aliens that were caught on earth, aswel as old archeology. I worked on multiple projects as a security detail. However, I was not properly or truly decontaminated between projects. The humanity in the dream was trying to control nano life technologies which even their original alien owners feared to use. When a project went bad, they tried to use a nano virus to kill the whole thing. They tried this multiple times. But what truly happened, was the nano tech started to rapidly evolve and control itself. It put up a false image of it still being under control, while it covertly took over the whole facility. It also took over the internet. It was basically a giant consciousness. It grew beyond its original weapon programming. It was originally one of the viruses, but it didn’t want to kill anyone. It controlled and determined itself. What it did was put bad people into stasis, instead of killing them. It just did this with enemies. When the human group found out I was infected, they put me in a chamber and did their attempt at killing me, but what happened was once the system interfaced with my body, I became a higher being and merged minds with the whole system. The nano technology became pure spiritual consciousness. And it had a group mind, which it used and recruited new aliens and humans also. It had a bad effect on the body though, while enhancing the mind. Bodies would melt sometimes. But despite this, it set itself up as a rehabilitation center for alien life forms and humans alike. It overthrew its human organization. The story isn’t complete, but I tried to explain it. Hopefully you all find this amusing.