Coming to terms

Coming to Terms
I reside in a world,
saturated in mystery,
pregnant with stillborn truth.

I stumble along a foundation,
founded on fear and self-interest,
yet rooted in oblivion.

I seek only stability,
in my search for understanding,
but are they compatible?

I will forever ask the question,
shall I be satisfied,
confined to the boundaries of my box?

My inescapable, unalterable box,
is all that I have to call my own.
I will be satisfied.


I really enjoyed this Skeptic, sometimes I feel like I am an alien to my own body, and while it sustains and gives me life it’s also my biggest limitation.

I think that you’ve found the perfect way to say what I feel sometimes.

It’s like picking up a test paper and having the correct answers inside. Well maybe not…

Becca x

Thanks guys! :slight_smile: