YouTube Censorship Attack: Agadmator Appeal Decline Variatio

“YouTube Censorship Attack: Agadmator Appeal Decline Variations” --from comment section


Western Society is headed for Calamity.


Oh it’s absolutely racist. And why does white get to go first?

It’s the White Piece’s Burden to lead.

A story, from my repertoire of stories…

This reminds me of the time I was On Set, and we went up to the canteen for lunch, and the white SAs refused to go up first because the previous day the ethnics had complained that the whites had rushed to queue to get served first, and so they weren’t going to queue up until I had… me being the only ethnic there that day.

I said I didn’t care… I said I wasn’t there, the previous day… I said how could the previous day’s issue now be made mine, and they’re not here… I said it wasn’t fair.
They said… that they were not going to go up until I had done so first… so I eventually thought fuck this shit, as the food was starting to get cold, and us… hungry.

They ate very contently that day, but I’m guessing not so much, the day before.

Leadership is an interesting notion. Every leader has different motivations.

In this instance, it was for us not to starve, but it would probably be different in another situation or circumstance.

How does a person find themselves in such a predicament? …almost a moral dilemma, but not quite. The unexpected expectation of doing something, that one didn’t cause, is somewhat disheartening. Isn’t this where the majority of the world currently is now, in being held responsible for the actions of others and their ancestral pasts?

Starvation, pain, death, are the most powerful motivators in existence.

Sounds fun… a barrel of laughs, but I have yet to be re-motivated, after experiencing the latter two.

The warring factions is very draining for the rest of us, who do not have any vested interest in their ruses… years of this have taken its toll on humanity and our health, over time.


The battle over Free Speech is raging onward.


Free speech doesn’t mean that someone has to loan you their bullhorn so that you can amplify things that they disagree with.