Supreme Value

What’s the most valuable thing in life?

As a literal thing, I’d say my life but as an actionable, I’d say forgiveness (self-forgiveness and that of others).

Existing, since it is objective value not deemed by oneself or ones conscious until /after/ one is conscious.

The exploration of non contradiction; non contradiction itself.

Self worth… the knowing and the having of.


The capacity to value.

I think it’s the survival of yourself, friends and family if you have any (and perhaps the survival of your community), and being in fair health.

everything else is secondary (fame, fortune, hedonism, power, etcetera), and the pursuit of what’s not primary shouldn’t significantly compromise or jeopardize what’s primary.

And aside from being alive, how does one attain and maintain the capacity to value?

What does the word faith mean to you?

How does one acquire self-worth?

Would you majorly risk or shorten your life and ruin your health to explore logic?

What does it mean for something to have objective value?
And why’s existing the supreme or only objective value?

When I think of nouns that have worth, I think of the word value, when I think of verbs or behaviors that have worth, I think of the word virtue.
Why is forgiveness such an important virtue?

I’d say by having and exercising our integrity… not doing so would be demoralising, and would turn adults into children, for being at the whim of others.

Say something… or say nothing… but never bend to the whims and wills of others.

So the supreme value is self-worth, and self-worth comes from integrity (having and exercising strong moral principles), interesting.
What’re some of your moral principles?

It allows a person to evolve and not be stuck in the past.

Do you think all humans are very wicked, and so in need of much forgiveness from each other?

More like selfish or misguided by the choices they make which leads to frustration, hurt, and anger. It seems you have to forgive yourself before you can forgive another.

For me it’s the opposite, I have to forgive others before I can forgive myself.
How can I be lenient with myself, and hold others to a much higher standard?
That wouldn’t be right.