
The group, um, CANNOT allow itself, anymore, to avoid pointing out the group’s willful avoidance of philosophey.

Of philosophy.

In the case of the group, it gives MORE weight to the uh matter. At hand. And not less, as the group meekly suggests.

The group is still waiting for the part of the group that is simply protecting its pride from the actual tradition of philosophy with all these dialectic mannerisms to risk seeming foolish by exposing its understanding of the subject matter in a way that incorporates, even if in enmity, what great philosophers have said, rather than turning it into plastic lifeless objects, say, or just kicking and screaming.

The group urges self discipline, and reminds the group that this does not equal capitulation.

Perhaps, the group reflects, it is not so much what great philosophers have said as what they have thought.

In any case, what they have said is the marker.

Or where they have walked, in which bogs they nearly drowned - but they won’t tell you that.

Where the road split under their feet and they just barely hung on to a root kind enough to allow them escape the plunge - what of this root? Where is it mentioned? Between epistemology and idealistic isomorphism? Between morality and the analytic circumspection of truth value? anywhere between the covers, or at least between the lines?

Perhaps simply in the warmth of life for life’s sake.

What is life?

Life is what life does. Ne?

This is a mistaken view on the part of the group. Rather as if one would imagine Edmond Husserl, a world class mathematician, found the mathematical physics decisively wanting because he was resentful of mathematicians. The group recommends an essentially more serious tact be taken up by the group, other than cheep and tasteless polemics. The group must confront the issues, rather than seek refuge in hopeful explanations concerning trivial personal accidental motives.

“The group, um, CANNOT allow itself, anymore, to avoid pointing out the group’s willful avoidance of philosophey.”

The group says: exacto! And this must be so even at the expense of the many: the reverence for the destroyed university and for the crippled fragments of thought to be found there amidst the raging thoughtlessness.

This “the group” thing is a boring gimmick. Speak properly.

I see you didn’t opt to inject content into the thread either…

The group is finally accurately self-assessing.

"This “the group” thing is a boring gimmick. Speak properly.

I see you didn’t opt to inject content into the thread either…"

The group finds this group answer facile.

The group sees: a member of the group struggling (i.e., who should be struggling) with the temptation of fruitless polemics. The group would suggest disentangling biographical persons from investigations.

Jesus Christ dude…

I comment on how vacuous your self-congratulatory offer for a circle jerk is, and you blame me for not doing what you should have been doing?

Just how damaged are you?


(Meno_)'s isn’t wrong in this evident madness ya know.

It’s my own mistake for talking to idiots, since I am without supreme powers, without powers of more than a god, this is a mistake.

We can get over this hurdle here, guys… think of philosophy first and foremost when posting.

I commend You for Your optimism, , and I certainly share it, albeit guardedly.

However , if allowed, I thought universals have long ago cleared it up, from the point of view of optics, where visibility was not a.function of invisible parts. That is an unhealthy strategy, but again, compassion may touch the deepest as well as the purely anthropomorphic vision of a higher power, which can inhabit only a singular version.

And that is how and only way to exit for the time being, without turning to the other side.

Guide could give less… personal answers. That’s one hurdle.

Meno is a clueless moron who embroiders idiot dreck left over from the academic usage. “Anthropomorphic,” a wholly empty piece of polemical blather.

There is only the “persons”. There is nothing else. Symbols don’t think. They don’t interpret themselves idiotically. I’m not you nursery teacher. You don’t pay me to help you and you need it. If you can’t see you have been brought to believe you don’t exist, and that philosophy is being passed off as “objective”, as “Science”, no one will come to raise you out of your dumb academic mediocrity for fifty, sixty and all the years of your life.

This forum has three strikes, the level is too low, I’m done.