Sloppy Tenths



Aristotle wished women to marry at 18, men at 37: they were then in the prime of life respectively, and the decline in the powers of both would coincide.

No, men do not care. I knew a women who fucked “guitar guy” in the morning, “construction guy” in the afternoon, then “college guy” in the evening and they all knew of each other and then she tried to make me feel judgmental for not wanting any part of it. She didn’t want to be like that though; she just wanted one man, but couldn’t find one man who only wanted her, apparently. She was compensating somehow with that behavior… it filled some kind of void. I was surprised she couldn’t see it as nasty and even more surprised that the guys couldn’t.

This reminds me of a certain David Allan Coe tune that I’m sure I’m not allowed to post here :wink:

This is also why men with such super possessive mindset, like in Islam, and who see females as their own property, also began to endorse pedophilia and child marriage. Just so they can be the first and only. This view doesn’t even recognize females as equal human beings. Again, this is about the men, and their needs and their own insecurities. The women are things to them.

[youtube][/youtube] … isprudence

So your argument is that women are okay with a stranger, a chef spitting in their food at a restaurant?

You’re gross, Pandora.

Urwrongx1000 wrote:


It seems to me Ur you have experienced some hard times and great deprivation, but managed to survive it.

I have great admiration for a man who can ‘resist’ the casual fuck, they are rare indeed.

There is nothing attractive about a man who is a philanderer, they never change, or a woman who thinks they should bed a man simply because he takes her out for dinner.




Up yours, dyke. :laughing:

That is just what a ‘pussy’ would say. :mrgreen:


I’ve never, in my entire life, seen a woman defend the ideal of chastity and reducing female promiscuity. Not once.

Not once.

This signals to me that females are naturally promiscuous, as dominant males are, and that women gain natural advantages through promiscuity. A woman wants to think of herself as retaining her original value, even after been through a dozen guys. A woman wants to believe she is pristine, after being run through the gauntlet. She does not think less of herself. And she will be offended at anybody bringing up the idea that she has less value than before. “How dare you judge me?” Furthermore she will attempt to shame, humiliate, and ostracize any man who disparages female promiscuity, as seen in this thread.

Pandora wants to draw-parallel that “you must be an Islamic Radical Muslim” if you don’t want sloppy-tenths. That’s her best argument.

It’s not convincing. Yes I would rather be a Radical Muslim than receive sloppy-tenths. You’re right. Well done.

Perish the thought.



. It’s not about some purity or chastity or whatnot, it’s about a group of mediocre men having complete control over women’s sexuality and choices, or eliminating it completely. It’s about men looking after men. The man’s best argument is, if you save yourself for me I will value you more, as if a woman’s value naturally comes from a man’s opinion of her. These men treat women as glorified chattel, with a grading system. As for Radical Muslim argument, the underlying insecurity and need is the same, except in Islam it has reached its full outward expression. It could also be Christian, or Sikh, or Hindu. The men excuse themselves by pointing to God, god said this or god said that, but who are we kidding? Some lonely and horny dudes were probably sitting in a desert, staring at their goats and thinking of all the different ways to get laid, and ensuring all their friends get laid too, so they invent and enforce a system of trading and sharing females, and in defense, pointing to some Devine edict as its justification. But then imagine you’re a child born for the purpose of being sold to some family because of some business deal or agreement that was made by family members. Children born as working or trading material to be used and bought/sold. I don’t care how rich or respected you are, you were still created to be a trading chattel. And that child has, by some twisted logic, the highest bidding value, but not as his own agent, because as an individual he does not even exist, or has a zero value.

It’s interesting that both Napoleon and Caesar were cheated on.

The Masculine Mystique
It’s ironic that men say that women don’t know what they want while at the same time being totally clueless about what they want themselves with women.

“But I love my wife”, says the cheating husband. What kind of self-deprecating woman would settle for that kind of love? And for centuries, even millennia, wives were settling for their own sloppy tenths, consoling themselves with being “a good wife and a mother” while their husbands were free to fuck around and try to figure out what the hell they wanted. And the society at large turned a blind eye to it. Men have needs and a “good wife” should be more understanding of it, it said. I say, screw Freud and Jung, and whatever justifications they came up with to explain the complexity of the needs of the delicate masculine psyches, these cheating men should be hunted down and castrated (for the sake of the family). Why should the women have to bear the brunt of it? Like women don’t deserve to have their own wants and needs.

And so what happened? The men glorified and martyrized of the “good wife” role, in which the more humiliation and suffering she accepts, the more saintly and desirable she becomes. The virtuous, patient, and forgiving wife. An ideal woman. A true saint. Like a selfless “mother” and a personal slave who makes “her man” her whole existence. What more could a man ask for? It must have been some kind of cruel joke, to take a selfless, hollowed-out shell of a woman and turn it into a “virtue” to be admired and imitated. Woman as a thing, as a decoration. And it was those instances in which the woman tried to reassert her own individuality that made the man the most uncomfortable, as if suddenly hearing a plastic doll speak up on her own. It disrupts the idyllic world that man has created for himself, and it startles him. How does he shut her up, and make her behave again, he thinks to himself, so he could go back to how things were before, quiet and peaceful, where he had everything under his control, was listened to and taken care of.

I’d guess that women cheat more often than men and I have some reasoning to make that speculation: women are much more likely to initiate divorce (they find someone they like better) and they’re much more likely to grow bored within a relationship whereas men tend to seek to grow bored by establishing a routine (tv and beer) which women cannot stand.

It’s always baffled me why women get tattoos because they can’t even leave their hair color alone . They have a vast selection of clothing, shoes, purses, a variety of paints for lips and nails, jewels, and they can never leave the furniture in the same spot without bowing to the compulsion for change, so getting a fashion accessory permanently affixed is about as uncharacteristic as keeping the same man for long.

Women are also subject to much more temptation by having a continuous stream of offers from men whereas men would have to be rejected multiple times before “getting lucky” enough to actually cheat. Maybe that explains why men are often irrationally jealous: they know women. Men sometimes say “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t trust the guys.” That’s bullshit. If women were perfectly trustworthy, there would be no need to “own” them in the middle east.

Just because a woman moves furniture around doesn’t mean she a cheater or is ready to cheat. This is some kind of insecure paranoia that manifests out of man’s own sense of self-worth. And so the man stalks his woman everywhere and questions her every move. Why did she buy that new shade of lipstick, or that new dress, or why does she need that new hair style, etc. every little gesture living of self-expression, of her individuality, becomes a harbinger of doom for him. An insecure man wants his woman to stay the same, forever, like a doll, or like a statue. And then he himself gets bored with her or too confident in his level of control over her, and so sets out to look for an extra affair, or getting some variety for himself.
I don’t think it’s easier for a married woman to cheat because she is considered a primary caretaker for her children, so she puts more of herself into her children. Even if she does have an affair, she cannot maintain it for the same lengh of time that a husband can.
As for Middle eastern women, I would hypothetically allow for their perceived promiscuity by their menfolk, but only on the account of the apparent drastic change in the view of female sexuality from pre-Islamic (Babylonian-based ) Paganism to Islam itself. I do believe that it’s possible that pre-Islamic women enjoyed a lot more sexual rights and freedoms, even to the point of having sex cults.