ultimate philosophy

Id never force anyone to go in the DNA machine, theyd do so on their own free will.

You are a delusional crazy person, noone chooses their bodies or world they go to, you are insane. Did you choose 400 billion years of hell no i dont think so.

By your own logic you are evil because you are evil to me and seek to oppress me.

Trixie… I’m trying to put you in a universe where the DNA machine works like you fantasize…

It will hell you in this world

Trixie, I’ve been to free will DNA machine worlds before.

They suck.

People make themselves more evil than they were BY CHOICE!!

People are always swapping bodies as well…,

Everyone is scared of each other …

It’s a nightmare.

Trixie talking to you is like I’m a 100 year old man trying to potty train a child.

I’ve LIVED this shit!!

I’ll give you the best advice I can give to someone at your stage of development…

Pay VERY close attention!!!

Anything that you do to try to hack the system, will send you to hell.


Maybe the worst trouble I got in was the remote control of humans without implants…

Time dilated portals helled the fuck out of me too!!!

I can go on and on…

Oh, and the female blackmail system, means that anything you do to hurt females, will send you to hell.

A males greatest complaint throughout worlds, is that only assholes get sex… So if you’re in any way an asshole who got sex (or a good resource) - poof - instant hell.

Mark my words.

You wanna get out??

PZ universes

Trixie, this is forever…

Let’s say a female reincarnates as a male to learn this lesson…

They are still technically a female… And you can’t abuse them at all…

Maybe they learn the lesson a trillion years from now and are actually kind to a good male…

Then you became the asshole who got a resource…

boom!! before you know it, you’re in hell for a trillion years… Female has no consequence!!

It’s eternal damnation for all heterosexual men.

The only way out is to start building your own PZ universes!!

Trust me on this one Trixie

Read above…

I need to explain this extremely clearly so you understand it without any confusion.

Every female you hurt on this earth in any way forever and ever, is a one way ticket to hell, not them, YOU.

You’ll see.

Millions of years from now, I’ll remind you of PZ universes.

All females have to do to get saved or better “karma”, just fuck assholes…

They did it.

What are you going to do??

How do I reason with a person who has insane delusions?

You have no evidence of your claims, you say you have been to other worlds with DNA machines, but have no evidence…

What you say doesn’t even add up, why would girls be rewarded for having sex with an asshole like you say? And why would someone go to hell for a trillion years over some minor crime of getting a girl drunk enough to get laid? You’re batshit insane.

Trixie, you have no idea how hard it is to solve everyone’s problems…

The problem with solving your problems is that I have to program delusion into every being in existence. That’s true of most people, so don’t take it too personally.

And yes Trixie, that’s how DNA machine worlds work

There would be a setting on the DNA machine that makes people good.

Oh really??? Nobody would tweak with it if it wasn’t necessary!!

You can’t even think straight.

You have very naive views of humanity

No I dont. I know humanity is total garb. That is why there will be a setting for good on it.

Trixie, what I’m saying…

If you need the machine in the first place, people will abuse it.

They’ll change the settings or make their own…

You are unbelievably naive!!

It’s extremely hard to make universes for people like you.

But, I like a good challenge.

99.999% of gun owners dont go on shooting sprees. We dont ban guns or the DNA machine because some asshole wants to use it to become Godzilla. Peple are generally born good people. If someone wants to turn into Godzilla they probably have noble reasons, maybe the city has become corrupted or evil in some way like Sodom and Gommorah.

The mind of a criminal is simply, they just want love. So to get love they get money to buy women. Most homicides are done for reasons relating to love. With the DNA machine there wouldn’t be very many criminals at all, most people would have easy access to love and resources (food, shelter, entertainment media, etc.) And for every super criminal mutating into godzilla there would be a super hero using the DNA machine to mutate into good godzilla against them.

Trixie, you’re an idiot.

Just for sex alone, people will use the DNA machine to take the body of someone’s partner and "rape"them that way… Then steal their identity and clear out their bank account.

You don’t even know what money is…money is simply a transferrence agreeement between parties, when everyone’s wealthy what need would there be to rob?

Identity theft already happens today, 1/4 people have been robbed…The DNA machine will reduce crime and identity theivery by making a better world.

Crime occurs during scarcity and depression

Trixie, honestly…

Think this through.

A machine where you could change your sexual orientation… Who’s going to do that??


Now you think they’re going to use it to change their personality??

Not a chance!

Think harder…

You can switch bodies at will!

People committing crimes and changing their DNA before and after.

That slimeball you hate walks in with your body and tricks your girlfriend into fucking him …

People will use it for sex and money, and take advantage of all these hypothetical do-gooders

That’s not how it works. It would create a society of more concientious people.

The crime wave would happen, yes, but it would be a one time thing, the sacrifice, the scape goat for all the hate and pressure the world has given the global consciousness.