If You Don't Pay the Good Guys...

If you don’t pay the good guys, only the bad guys have any money.

As a general philosophy of life, does it seem reasonable that

one should always ensure that whatever is sustaining oneself is prospering?

When I say “sustaining”, I am referring to literally anything and everything involved in sustaining one’s existence; physical environment, social environment, mental, emotional, friends, governments, religions, … whatever is actually contributing more positive than negative.

It seems to stand to reason that if the things sustaining a person are prospering, the person is inherently prospering. And in addition, if many were doing that, they would end up indirectly ensuring that everyone involved was prospering, including the first person. And all it would take is merely understanding the truth and importance of the philosophy.

In the absence of such a philosophy, quite the opposite naturally occurs, that which degrades and gradually destroys the person prospers at his expense. There need be no intention to do so.

I’ve journaled extensively on this topic (unreleased)

Basically, it’s a matter of resource, to be more articulate. Pay implies money.

Since destroying rationality ((contradicting yourself is part of the mating ritual (extraneous drama) also extraneous drama caused by women to see if you can rescue them.)) the highest targets are the best people.

That’s why I removed homicidal tension from my formulation of ethics.

My needs are simple. All I want is an average house and average car and average wife just like everybody else. And the only other thing I want is total global domination in order to create a better society and world.

If you do not give me those things, I view it as a hostile act of aggression. Give your leader what is due. Does one not give the village elder their rightful throne?