
Something doesn’t exist until it takes a particular form. Unless you are talking about energy, which is the base ‘substance’ of the universe.

has energy always existed…and existence is the transformation of this same energy?

I don’t know if energy always existed.

Energy ‘solidifies’ into matter and matter combines to form objects. Then we say that objects exist.

Where did the energy come from?

Energy is not a thing so it’s not something that can or cannot exist. It also has no causes so it didn’t come out of anything, it just is.

Yes, energy has necessarily always existed. And due to the vast infinite size of the universe, everything that exists at any one moment also exists, within only an infinitesimal error of duplication, elsewhere in the universe. Literally every person has an infinite number of duplicates throughout the universe, although each is only a duplicate for an infinitesimal moment before diverging into someone slightly different. So yes, everything that now exists, has always existed … somewhere, just not on Earth.

Energy, or better phrased, “Affectance” is the ONLY fundamental physical existence.

A temporary Youtube link:

What’s the difference between energy and god?

God is the cause of energy (by definition). Because of God, energy has always existed.

Is God energy?

Different people have their own definition of “God” … a great many and greatly varied definitions. But to be scripturally precise, no, God is not the energy itself, but rather that eternal cause of it of it being there.

A lot of these questions, about origins, are beyond current human knowledge and understanding.

But you’re going to get a lot of answers anyways. :wink:

What is God, according to you?

You also have to question the applicability of concepts such as causality and existence to concepts such as energy.

It’s easy to ask questions and expect that everything conforms to your standard way of thinking, namely, that everything can be said to exist or not to exist and that everything has causes.

God is a single and all-encompassing Truth.

what is this truth?

God is the creator of the universe. He is the cause of the structure that we experience.

I don’t know what He is made of. I don’t know where He came from. I don’t know if He always existed.

I think that those kinds of questions are beyond my understanding. I could make up a story about it, but would it be anything more than a comforting fairy tale?

That is one of the better definitions.

That is one of the most common definitions given.

Higgs boson, the God particle, in the case of particle physics.

Affectance, or maybe Potential to Affect, in the case of James’ RM:AO.

Sympathetic vibrations, or quite simply love, in the case of Keely’s SVP.

Superconsciousness, or simply Consciousness, in the case of New Agers.

Also Being.

Jesus Christ, in the case of Christians.

What about you?

Don’t forget the Hindu’s Akasha field.

But I forgot self-valuing from Fixed’s Value Ontology.

There is another way to define God.

God is central force. In place of central, you can say universal or absolute. In place of force, you can say pattern or law.