The Inevitable Metaphilosophical Paradigm Shift Upon Us!

okay here we go folks, if some of you ever wondered where I was, well I just spent the last 3 months working on this endeavor. Before the end of the year it will go viral (as soon as the documentary trailer is completed), so enjoy the exclusivity.

More seriously, mainstream philosophy/academia is on its deathbed

this is just a highlight, the website is almost about 20 pages and I encourage you to read them.
=============== A Money-Free Planet Is Reality! ====================

Blueprint For A Voluntary
and Futuristic Society,
Man As Earth Custodian

The sum total of each man’s giving determines the standard of man’s civilization. Unity of man has always been impossible in a world of fear and discontent where every man fears every other man as an enemy – Walter Russell

Blueprint… is a work elaborating on a set of guidelines to help make sense of the world’s confusion. Why scientific research and psychology have to progress according to specific natural principles to avoid the pitfall of profiting from conflicts of interest and to imprison the thinking mode.

What are these Principles? They’re forces simultaneously at play that humans cannot alter, therefore are they said immutable. There are 7 of them (often referred as the centuries-old foundation of Hermeticism) and which today are scientifically established as they identify and define the forces at play emanating from Electricity. The Electric Universe Theory is currently reshuffling Physics in a great way and is heavily documented on youtube. These principles also reveal Thought as a mechanism having electric properties because information circulates between neurons in the form of electricity.

Here below are their brief cognitive interpretations and why ‘caring’ about their influence is also ‘caring’ about planet and humanity. Blueprint… is thus a work helping reshape the mind patterns according to them.

  1. The Mind generates everything: sets everything into motion. Holistic thinking thus starts with the awareness of the power of our thoughts and projections.

  2. Life translated into motion: everything spins and vibrates. The spoken language is frequency, determines humans’ thinking as wavelengths and literally can spin out of control if there is a lack of access to data, all of which also determines agreements or lack thereof.

  3. Life if subjected to rhythm: what goes up must go down, what comes around goes around. What is neglected or ignored comes back like a boomerang. It amplifies either negativeness or positiveness, exponentially.

  4. Life sustains polarities at all levels, there is a negative dot in the positive and positive dot in the negative. Personal choices thus reflect on experiences, level of knowledge and therefore are all perceptions of any given moment. Hence the imperative need to remain centered at all time in order to avoid the pitfalls of any polarized (divide and conquer) arguments and an inner fragmentation generating confusion.

  5. Everything is a mirror of something, and called correspondence, which exponentially amplifies polarity levels and the princinple of rhythm, either positively or negatively. External dissonance mirrors internal dissonace, and otherwise.

  6. Everything is the result of genders, masculine contains some feminine traits and otherwise. Humans have a left brain hemisphere (masculine) and a right brain hemisphere (feminine) and are thus prone to gender control by ‘group thinks’ defining norms.

  7. Everything is cause and effect. Or Karma. In a nutshell, any train of thoughts not sustained nor validated by personal responsibility brings about upheavals and will exponentially strengthen either negativeness, or positiveness.

The main challenge of a money-free future thus lies in the ability to accept their pre-existence. Man didn’t create them. Although the latter belong to the realm of physics, they also represent the forces of creation all together. In a nutshell, such an implication is behind the choice of our slogan is: Life first, its Wholeness and Oneness!

The word ‘metaphilosophy’ is preferred over ‘philosophy’ to distance itself from mainstream academia which hasn’t done anything to prevent our unprecedented crisis. Well, and nor did sciences. Both fields must be entirely reassessed. Very few thinkers have tackled the core issue, they remain an absolute minority. However, ‘metaphilosophy’ merely means beyond philosophy, the philosophy of philosophy. And as we can see today, the realistic assessment that any train of thought not condoning ‘Life First, it’s Wholeness and Oneness!’ is entirely validated by the daily planetary aggression, on a physical and psychic levels alike.

We live in a world where everything works in reverse because existential values have monetized conflicts of interest to no end. Since values are inverted finding ourselves back on the right path requires first a burning desire to see this earthly onslaught come to an end. It is only when the understanding of the crisis endorses the ‘greater picture’ that we allow Holistic Thinking to set in and come to the rescue. The ‘ace in the hole’ is that ‘knowing’ binds all the principles for a greater of all good and will considerably smooth out any turbulence inherent to the transition.

The arguments in favor of a money-free society doesn’t require any PhD far to the contrary, but an access to vital information giving a full scope of the damage investigated, and the ensuing conclusion that responsibility is now which of each individual. Embracing the premise of a money-free planet has nothing to do with ‘beliefs’ at all but Knowledge.

Blueprint… calls for the adoption of a different way of thinking to promote conflict resolutions. Different but not new, because such concepts were already debated two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp the unhealthy mechanics driving people’s need for power structures, and as how to overcome them as well. Much more importantly, The Earth Custodians Movement hasn’t any transhumanist - nor posthumanist - affiliation at all. It is designed for and by individuals wishing to remain humans (not A.I nor extremely augmented, accepting death as a life cycle) but also foreseeing the need for new ethical guidelines addressing these trends.

Highlights of the content currently being developed. The online release of this short book (50 pages) may be expected some time in the 2nd half of 2017. Blueprint… will remain a free online version accessible to all.

Owning Earth, The Most Destructive Paradigm:
When man thinks Earth belongs to him, that presupposes and comprises all life living on Her. Owning earth implies that anything must sell - including death. This chapter examines Earth’s Nurturing Principle encompassing any materialistic pursuit.

The Real Human Nature:
In order to determine what the ‘human nature’ entails, ‘human conditioning’ has first to be assessed. This chapter explores the double-edged sword of ‘group thinks’ and academic criteria. ’

The Downfall Of Darwinism:
Man is just not an animal because of his ability to conceive the Universe and the purpose of the Act of Creation if he really wants to - It is a choice that animals will never have. This chapter delves into the dire consequences of human competition and its ancient roots.

The Inevitable Paradigm Shift Upon Us:
On a human scale, any form of competition is generally hazardous to Life, voids collaboration, humanitarianism and any social programs as well. The end of socialism and capitalism are nearing and non-coercive cooperativism, voluntarism, has to take over.

The Infinite Boundaries of Free Will:
The only Free Will that exists is ‘to notice or not’ and defined by each individual’s perceptions, which always rely on the data processed at the time of the inquiry. This chapter attempts to summarize the meaning of Reality.

How Much Materialism Is Good?:
Materialism is good as long as competition is regarded as inimical and detrimental to the human species. Materialism only becomes immoral when used to buy ‘time or favors’ at the expense of others. This chapter explains why first going down the path of materialism was ineluctable in order to discover the ramifications of everything.

The Inevitable Monetization of Negative Impacts:
Problems are more profitable and if going down the path of profits, monetarism will amplify the latter. Arms races illustrate this pretty well, and the same holds true at every level. This chapter describes the flaws embedded in any monetarist theory.

The Trap of Fixed Wages In A Cashless Society:
By removing cash from circulation, and since the world leverage is clearly out of control, the flow of electronic currencies will be directly subjected to whatever imposed austerity measures. This chapter makes the case of a money-free society as opposed to a cashless one.

Spiraling Down The Path Of Coercion vs Voluntarism:
When Voluntarism motivates a society problems can be addressed rightfully. Coercion is a byproduct of competition, which is now pushing our civilization toward the edge of a cliff. This chapter focuses on the necessity to follow one’s passions to enhance social peace. Moreover society is headed for a jobless future, and humans have to welcome automation for a greater good.

No Monetary System Can Match The Generosity Of Earth:
Because earth gives unconditionally, humans must learn to give just as Nature gives. Giving is a Natural Law, which means an absolute difficult to attain but always represents irrefutable life lessons.

Robotics, A.I And The Future Of Humanity:
Life is about choices. And the choice of delaying death is upon societies. Centuries of life span does not resolve challenges, far to the contrary. The stakes just grow bigger. Cyborgs’ departure maybe the only wise and rational option. Society must birth a new paradigm that allows that second option instead of embarking on the path of a new fundamentalism. Earth is neither a realm for cyborgs nor extreme A.I.

The Metaphilosophy and Metaphysics Of the Earth Custodians:
The importance of recognizing the existence of immutable principles scientifically proven and inherent to The Physics of Light or Electricity. The Electric Universe Theory has established that we all are - and that everything is - connected.


Total snoozfest…

here a few headlines for you to google… and when done, please let is know HOW you will address this and the AI issue as well. But my guess is that you cannot because there is nothing more materialistic, hence destructive, that a pro-freudian stance. Not seeing that it is the end of society as we know it and that a NEW approach is needed is being short sighted. If we got to this point, it is the evidence that everything we thought of knowing was/is wrong.

Robots to take 6 percent of jobs by 2020 - White House extols benefits of replacing humans with robots | Smart robots will take over a third of jobs by 2025 | Phew, The Robots Are Only Going To Take 45% Of All The Jobs | Half of US Jobs at Risk Due to Automation - WTO Director-General | When Robots Take All the Work, What’ll Be Left for Us to Do? | Robots Are Not Just Taking Over Jobs - They’re Taking Over Economics As We Know It | Robotics revolution to replace most human workers; labor class to be systematically eliminated | Two-Thirds Of Workers In Developing Nations To Be Replaced by Robots | Computers ‘will take middle-class jobs’: White collar posts in law, medicine and accounting increasingly under threat

I agree. She seems to be babbling.

DNA Machine will save society.
The rich will be content even if the poor are wealthy, we know this because the rich make technology for the poor, if the poor took a time machine and went 20 years ago The poorest of the poor would be Rich.

All we have to do is make the DNA machine. Humans have needs and wants in life, they want to have hot babes, big land, privacy, cool machines, cool transportation, and the feeling of power.
DNA machine will do all this. Hippie bullshit will not.
DNA machine will also give the feeling of power, kinky lowlifes can turn on the submissive maid mode, and the rich will get to play out their power fantasies on people.

No babbling because in your vision we all get universal income from the gov (ie: orwellian and hunger game type of rationing) If the world govs have caused the bankruptcy of the entire planet, the future doesn’t bode well at all. But you seem to be living in LALAland. If the poor took a time machine and your DNA machine… ROFLOL. Look now, who is babbling???

poor wealthy??? how so if there is no jobs, that jobs will not come back, and that today 70% of americans only have barely $1000 in savings.

keep on babbling and meanwhile keep ignoring that the upcoming monetary headache is being noticed by many. That the termination of money is becoming an option more and more by the day.

More babbling. DNA Machine will double the IQ of all beings, High IQs know how to make the wealth. DNA machine has different settings, you can change your brain to a hot farmer chick to enjoy farming, you can change your brain to a bearded train engineer to enjoy long train rides, you could change your brain into a hot hooker to enjoy being a hooker. DNA machine wouldnt destroy jobs but make them better.

You are crazy if u think the wealthy are gonna give up their money because of some babbling from a flower about Jean Luc Picard and shit.

The most direct conclusion of the thesis is the credible forecast of a human brain and artificial intelligence union by the year 2030. The union will dispel any prior thoughts of AI taking over.

I already am the experiment, the Mew2, the Autism Lord, the Seer, the experiment of society, i was an advance prediction device for the Future and I am a cyborg and I have evidence that I am a cyborg. And I have this message for my creators. Society is fucked.


If you are,then you are indeed advanced, so far I have only seen bits and pieces, but I am not excluding the possibility. But so far a lot of it is overly veiled to appear but ambiguous.However, you may be skeptical as far as to believe that a 'fucked society! can begin to understand.

I am putting my thoughts about this on suspense.

are you talking to me?

look for yourself, visit my site… once you remove money from the equation, the thinking ceases to be polarized, becomes centered. But many people are so addicted to their polarization that it is like talking chinese. As a matter of fact, many people would rather prefer being led to the slaughter house to prove darwin right instead accepting the impasse, making a Uturn and reassessing everything. That is the paradox we are in today. But thanks to the academia for this.

Another example that monetarism must end is the monetization of health, for example an HEP C treatment cost almost 80,000 in america and in India 1,500… and now we have organ trafficking that is soaring like never before, in the developing countries, the poor sell their organs to pay back loans and 100,000s kids disappearing yearly worldwide…monetarism is done, RIP.

my website is not pro-transhumanism but calls for a solution addressing both paradigms without resorting to fundamentalism nor the extermination of the humanity. The military black budget and UFO program (heavily documented on the net) is so advanced that many wouldn’t believe it. So yes, there is a solution. Or there will be one soon.

one thing is certain is that you give the wealthy/masters a good reason to hold on their power by thinking the way you do. So you are part of the problem and do not see the whole picture, because if you did you’d see the materialistic battle is completely LOST.

you outed yourself as a mega leftist in many occasions, so I doubt you know the meaning of self responsibility. Without the wealthy/masters ruling over your life, maybe you do not know who you really are.

PAYing taxes to get poisoned with nano metal particles? Not many will make it and AI will reign on devastation if we do not stop the insanity of monetatrism. All those scientists not seeing a thing because all they care about is their PAYchecks.

chemo more dangerous than cancer itself,
Making a Killing with Cancer: A 124.6 Billion Dollar Industry … ing-drugs/