The Demonic nature of Modernity and the Off-pitch Note

There are 7 mind genders, maybe more. Mental genders, genders of mind.
The first is Femininity - the sensitive child, peace lover, nature hugger. High sex drive.
The second is Boyhood - the avenger, lover, nature protector. High sex drive.
The third is Masculinity - the hardened one, the father, the builder. Low sex drive.
All three are lovers of food.

Beyond the human genders, there are more.
The Trigender - the sensitive child, the avenger, the builder. High sex drive.
The Demon - Anhedonic, stimulation craving, dissatisfaction. Sex drive in flux.
The 6th gender - the all knowing one. Sees past stimulation craving. Sees the machinations of everything. Zero sex drive.

The 7th gender, is the most beautiful gender. The Trixie, the Journeyer, the Voyager of Life, for Trixie means voyager of life. The 7th gender is the Light Toa.

All genders depend on chemicals in the mind.
Femininity is caused by estrogenic activity in the body.
Boyhood is caused by estrogenic activity, plus a mix of adrenaline and other hormones.

I woke up this morning, in the midst of a dream. My friend had a record playing, it was old-time southern organ music.
The notes were off-pitch, a couple of cents off. Whilst awake, you could never notice the notes were “off”. But in my sleep, I could tell the full presence of the notes, where wholly evil and demonic, perhaps beyond demonic, thoroughly evil and sickening, more sickening than any Rock and Roll star or demon could conjure.

In my dream, I was a child again, playing with trains. But I was no longer a child in mind, I was a dreaded-6th gender, the worst of all states, I endured the cage of Knowing. I was handed the train tracks, more train tracks that I had available as a child. And I saw all the possibilities, all possibilities of the train tracks to configure them, and how to configure them in the most optimized and structurally supreme configuration. I was a supreme genius, not a tinkerer, for I knew the solutions and did not tinker. But I was upmost miserable. I saw the futility of it all. I recognized the finite limits of configurations of tracks, and saw no reason to build, all the while the off-pitch of the music was playing in my head from the record player nearby. The notes were long, solid, and lacked the holiness constructed by Plato and refined throughout the years through the classical studies. It was off pitch, by at least 10 cents, maybe more, maybe less.

As I woke, in despair, I could not shake from my mind the idea that I was used, Torn, had drink from the devil’s Fruit of Knowledge, and was on a downhill ride to despair, the valley under the plane-citi of Knowing. I realized what is my life, had all pleasure of it gone, and what was I doing. I realized I used to lust after Adagio Dazzle, and both my hope and my lust was no more. I was neither masculine nor feminine, nor even a strange 3gender, but a dreaded 6th gender. Like the 6th chord, it is a chord most sickening to listen. But even the 6th chord, was not as dreadful as the off-pitch organ playing on the record table. For even the 6th chord, is aligned through the holy structures created by Plato and refined through many generations of musicians.

Once the fruit of knowledge is drunk from, it cannot be undrunk. Once the comforting realms of femininity are left, once the tinkering of men is scorned, it becomes very difficult to return to the Shire. The curse of supreme genius cannot be undone. One wonders if Beer is due to a society of secret geniuses, and that simpletons, idiots, and buffoons are all secretly playing us, voting for idiots to rule, all secret geniuses, escaping from the curse of Knowing. But I know this is simply paranoid thinking, the simpletons are the simpletons, and the average corner Molly is not a secret genius using Beer as an escape from their 6th gender pain.

Furthermore, one must not blame genius itself as a curse, supreme genius is the result, not the cause. The curse of this could be avoided with a hypothetical fixed society. Had I never been abused, had I never been lied to, had I never been abandoned by the women I cared about, I would not be in this curse of unfeeling. Had I never hated society for it’s idiocy, it’s injustices, and it’s horrors, I could still enjoy simple pleasures. I firmly believe that happiness and supreme genius is not a dichotomy, that it is possible to be both a supreme genius and to be happy, but due to the way that society is structured, it makes it currently impossible to happen.

I wake up with the horrid music in my head, thinking that there is only one exit off this stage, perhaps involving rope, or perhaps a magnificent building. But I console myself, because I also learn an important truth about our minds. I recognize that Consciousness actually spans the future, and we are not Conscious of the future, but the Future determines what we know. What I mean by this, is you only remember a dream, if some conditions are met in the Future causing you to wake up. Because of the fact that you will wake up in the future and the conditions are met that you remember your dreams, it causes your dreams to exist. But if the conditions are not met, and when you wake up you will erase your dreams, your dreams only exist in a subconscious layer of Consciousness, they will not exist.

Earth supports 2 layers of consciousness, the wisp layer (Dream) and the main layer (Lucid.) Upon our deaths on Earth, our lives will be erased in the same manner a dream is, however on some level, they will still exist. It is very confusing, it is like thinking about our past, say our teenage years. At the moment they happened, it felt like it real, just like as the moment this is happening, it feels real, but it is not going to be real for long.

A few days ago, I also realized a secret of consciousness. Our consciousness is a regulator of reality. If our consciousness is restricting its own size, you can mute external sounds. Music will just sound like a dark blur, you will not hear the complexity of it. But when you open your consciousness, you can hear the sounds and their complexity.
Take from this what you will.

Another expermine that I recommend to do, is to use a slow mo camera, and drop a feather on your toe. Scream the moment you feel the feather on your toe. Your eyes must be closed so that you do not see the feather and react visually, you must react on touch alone. The feather will have an erratic drop pattern thus you cannot flinch in prediction. The delay between the scream and the feather impact must be measured. If it exceeds the neuronal response speed, it means that consciousness itself is in the body, not just the brain, and that the soul exists, since it exceeds the communications speed of neuronal communications.

We must fix this world. Children are born into this world, and know not what they are missing. When I was a child, things were beautiful, we had classical music. I used to be part of the upper crust crowd, we were into Beatles music, science, and aeronautics. Things were beautiful, so beautiful. As a young child I wanted to be a magician, the ways magicians did it, things were so civilized and ornate, people were fancy dressers, had class and character, like a walk on memory lane.

As modernity trods more on and more on, the music gets worse, they are doing it wrong, Justin Beiber land. They didn’t capture 90’s steampunk beauty land, Katy Perry doesn’t know what she is doing it wrong, its off, souls wont understand magic anymore, souls are being born into this catastrophe.

Why do you use humor so much as defense mechanism and security Blanket? Rhetorical question, I dont need to know your answer. You’ve got to know that it only covers up, and not very well, what still exists underneath.

If you’ve ever wondered how I know what I know, consider that my lessons in pain have actually been more intense and more complete. The fact that I still care about anything at all is an impossibility, a mindboggler.

I see what you’re saying and trying to say beyond the insecurities and faulty defenses. I’ve been through similar in the past couple years. Humor was completely ruined for me for a couple months. I’ve got a pretty decent sense of humor, used to laugh a lot more. Keep trusting the path you’re on. This is not a contradiction. I want you and others to stop insulting me, still, because I really don’t deserve it and it isn’t right, but I do see what’s going on and do see what you and others are going through.

Keep going.

This is one of the most serious posts i ever made. I woke up this morning feeling serious.

Keep at it since it will provide a useful distraction from worrying about your sex change

Taking life seriously and still being able to move back to being lighthearted and simple and being easily amused is one of the unmentioned goals of life. It’s not exactly open common knowledge. People try in a lot of ways and some manage to do it by sheer accident, but it’s much easier to do when you have the goal defined and approached with intent.

Not that it’s a requirement to be serious, but it does help to be able to and want to.