Just want a moment to Thank ILP

Thank you guys for all the past years of insight into just the philosophical realm and thank you for just the awesome open clarity into subjects we love! Appreciate all the better thoughtful understandings of all major plights you’ve all have had endured. To show my thankfullness this forum is dedicated to those serving to the life-process that is our being. In that, we are all these different people put together to arrive at certainty without doubt! We now have a better thought process installed to gain accurate knowledge from intuition, perceptiveness, and all around experience. The capacity of what is now my intellectual foundation (understanding) relies souly on those who’ve been apart of my life… And this entire site is my life. For that, it’s never being deleted as a bookmark on my pc… :laughing:

I knew this to be “I LOVE Philosophy” and it will always continue to stay [LOVE] mainly because philosophy hasn’t ever done me wrong. It’s because of that, that it is just that; Philosophy, which is my truest Love.

Thanks guys for all the best lol’s and deep thoughts into what we’re going through! Keep it up! It’s been here since early 2000 and forever will remain!!! \M/ :smiley: #KudosILP

Good of you to say.

You’re welcome.