Instability is the Origin of everything!

Instability is the Origin of everything!
Nothing would originate if everything is absolutely stable!

Why do people disagree with this view point?

Also known as chaos. We live in a chaotic world and universe. It has always been this way and shall forever will be this way as well.

Peace does not develop from instability. Wisdom does not develop from chaos. Knowledge does not occur amid uncertainty. Society does not operate through disorder. An ecosystem is not sustained through random chance.

Of course instability is the source of many things, but to say it is the root of everything does not hold up.

Also couldn’t you just flip this argument and say a lack of order is the source of chaos, and thus everything comes from order? I’m not saying I believe that, just playing devils advocate.

XJP wrote

I agree even though I regard it as paradoxical territory since the reverse arguments could be made for each example you gave. Peace does develop from instability. Instability transitions/develops into stabilty, peace for example. Why can’t chaos be referred to as degrees of change? Especially in light of mankinds limited POV.

If one note the above symbol, stability and instability must work in complementarity with each other.

In other words, instability exists inherently within stability and stability exists within instability.
Reality is not a closed system nor within a circle but rather the dynamism and stability of reality is spiraling.

So the complementarity of Stability<->Instability is the origin of everything.

Unity has no meaning in the absence of parts.
Peace has no meaning in the absence of instablity.

Let’s go through that list, shall we?

  1. Peace is an illusion.

  2. Wisdom is survival knowledge based upon conflict, strife, and experience.

  3. Uncertainty and the unknown motivates people to some kind of knowledge or in creating it.

  4. The foundation of society is disorder. Government is people trying to manage disorder. A sort of trying to create order out of chaos thing. (In the long term it never works out as chaos and entropy always wins.)

  5. No, order is another illusion just like peace.

Peace. It’s a two-sided coin. Inner peace and outer peace. Inner peace is an emotion. Outer peace is an idea(l).

The most peace I ever saw and felt radiate out of another person was from an acquaintance I took on a spiritual retreat in Tennessee. When I met him through a mutual friend, a very strong connection existed for me. I relayed to him that I was to attend this retreat and he relayed that he was attending too, but he was going to walk there from North Carolina. I offered him a ride there which he refused, he was walking. As my friend and I drove away, I felt this rubber band like connection with this new acquaintance being drawn taught, painfully so and I started crying. I relayed this to my friend and she said let’s go back to him which we did. I beseeched him to come along with me and keep me company. He was suppose to accompany me to this retreat end of story. I felt this truth. About a month later, a few days before I was to leave for the retreat I ran into him. Why are you still here in North Carolina? His illness had kept him from making the trek. I must have come across like a loon because I was elated that I was privileged to have him accompany me on this journey. I said, “I knew you were coming with me!” He was losing his battle healthwise, he was supposed to visit his sanctuary to tie up emotional loose ends. His eyes and presence exuded inner peace throughout our travels. A spiritual grace.

Inner peace is what exactly? Satisfaction?


Death is peace, I hope

A very hard and rare thing to come by. You know how I feel about that subject.

Without trust, love and joy will not crescendo together leading you into peace, the emotion.

I said rare and hard not without.