Is suicide a natural response?

Some say that it is not since we as human beings have a strong survival instinct. However, I say it is natural. Some people value a life of bliss over this survival instinct. In other words, some people don’t have the urge and desire to survive (live life). Their only reason for living is to be happy and to enjoy life. They also have no desire to live for their family or for anything else. They only value their own bliss and that is their only reason for living.

When these types of people have a blissful life, they have that survival instinct and wish to live life since it is worth living to them. But when it is a life of misery and unhappiness, then they no longer have that survival instinct and just give up on life. I think this is normal for some people. I don’t think it is abnormal.

This is because even during situations where I was only slightly miserable, I still wanted to end my life. I just wanted to give up. So that says this is normal and is not only exclusive to those types of people with severe abnormal mental illness. Some would say that suicide is also cowardly. But what does that matter to someone who doesn’t value their strength and weakness of character and only values their happiness and well-being instead?

They wouldn’t care. They would just end their lives if their lives were miserable and hard. It doesn’t matter to them even if they were the most pitiful cowards. What matters to them is their happiness and well-being and since they did not get that in a miserable life, then it is just simply their time to go.

A man lives not for his life, but for his loved ones, which is to say for his “higher values”. It can be his family, his lover, his child, his nation, his god, even his pet if it is a really sweet person. But also, like the Japanese prove, for his job, his honor, his accomplishment, his status and his prospects on power.

If such a higher value becomes permanently unavailable, it is to a soul like it is to a pair of lungs to be deprived of air. There is no way to continue. Life has been lost, one needs to terminate its formally remaining vessel.

How would “permanent unavailability” be determined, accurately?

Re Normal Distribution, in general and in one perspective it is very normal in the present circumstances for one to be born blind or has other defects in comparision to what is normal for the majority. It is therefore ‘normal’ there will always be a % of people who will be born blind or has other defects.

Whilst it is normal in one perspective [Normal Distribution] the individual who is born blind [while accepting his/her fate] will definitely wish and strive with hope s/he will be able to have sight some day. This wishing and striving is very instinctual because such impulses programmed into all human DNA, i.e. it is generic to humans.

The above example, as per the Normal Distribution properties, is the same for the natural % of humans who are born with the impulse to commit suicide.
However inherent within all human beings is the survival instinct at least till the inevitable.
Thus like the person who is born blind or with other defects, the person who is unfortunately born with an impulse to commit suicide should use his reasoning faculty [normally not faulty] to strive to maintain the default fundamental instinct to survive as long as possible till the inevitable.

Thus suicide is ‘natural’ [pseudo] as reflected in the Normal Distribution but for the person as a human being, it is not a natural response but an abnormal response that one need [on a rational basis] to strive to correct.
I believe because suicide is a mental thing not like one born physically deficient without legs or are blind, the possibility of managing the suicide response is very tenable. The good hope is the neurons in the brain has a high degree of plasticity and thus can be rewired quite easily to overcome the suicide response.

How to rewire to strengthen the modulator to inhibit the suicide response?
If it is serious, then one ought to seek professional help.
For the less serious cases, there are various self-improvement methods out there to enable one to rewire one’s neurons in increase the strength of one’s inhibitors to modulate the suicide response. The possibility are evident from the many reported success stories by various people.

I think that that is a very good question since unless someone is actually psychic or clairvoyant we can’t know except under some extreme circumstances.
Suicide is a personal choice but as Stephen King has said - “life changes on a dime” or was that Kurt Vonnegut?
We can’t actually know, can we, what the future will bring or how something or someone might come along and change our mental and emotional viewpoint or gradually our selves might change it. It’s all a process.

I’ve known a few paraplegics and quadriplegics who “going in” in a manner of speaking wanted to commit suicide and then as they gradually adapted and accepted their new life, they changed their minds.

I think that to automatically advocate suicide and think and say to someone that “It’s okay man if you want to do it. I understand” is very callous and irresponsible.


Life being as it is, full of surprises and possibilities, sometimes something comes along, another “higher value” so to speak, Jakob.
But I will admit that under extreme “no going back or forward” ircumstances, life might be terminated.
I suppose at times it all comes down to how much vision, courage and inner power we have within us.
But extreme suffering which WILL NEVER CHANGE and it is known that it will never change is good reason to “let go”.

This issue just might be one of problematizing value. After all, a human life is at stake and it’s not all about just “playing philosophy”.

Suicidality is natural for people with consciences…

Women don’t have consciences…

I’ll give you revelation!!!

If you stop all homicide, poverty, rape, homelessness, staving, disease and torture the world over…

Men will still commit mass suicide, and women will commit ZERO!!!

Not only is it a problem of sexual stratification; it’s impossible for a woman to have sex with a man who isn’t an asshole …

From the one percenters to the have nots of female sexual variety …

If they realize the magnitude of the problem ( have a conscience. ) the trauma load is so great, that they will commit suicide, and even try to destroy their souls forever …

Women are the evil one…

And we are just a piece of jewelery for their self esteem …

Women are incapable of subjectifying …


Humans are not alone in suicide. More than a few species have been recorded as doing it. Until we actually look at all we can never find the answer .

I would like to quote James here, because I couldn’t express it better

Suicide itself is murder. The German word for suicide is “Selbstmord” = self-murder.

Animals do not ever try to commit suicide unless they are trapped in a cage.

We are trapped in a cage of modernity, modern times, modern living. We are denied freedom of sex, freedom of violence, freedom of speech, freedom of glamour, and freedom of thought and mind. When our natural energies and flows are repressed and denied the suicide reflex increases.

Excellent observation, I am unaware of any other species that commit suicide as human beings do.

Many monogamous creatures do. Example: geese have been known to kill themselves after losing mate.
Pack animals do when they lose their pack. Social bonds are not just a human thing. Grief and mental problems are not just human. Hell, try a simple quick search on the net about animal suicide, I would bet you will find quite a bit.

The problem with this, which came from my short-lived discussion with James in 2014, is that it tries to limit harm via censure instead of promoting health via engagement. In the long run, the honest attempt to understand and engage will succeed much more powerfully than accusing people who publicly discuss suicide of committing murder.

My response to James was as follows:

I don’t think this would work.
As I stated underneath that quote: Suicide is murder. I don’t see much difference between murdering oneself and murdering somebody else. You got to respect the life of others and you have to respect your own life. Would you start a discussion “Is it alright to kill my neighbor?”, or “Is killing somebody a natural response?” From a philosophical aspect both is immoral, and discussing the pros and cons of it would encourage those who are hesitating. Your suggestion would apply to a world where the majority of people is actually able to think reasonably. But if you merely look at a forum like this and make a statistic of how many people see suicide as a solution and how many don’t, and then put into consideration if people here really want to “help” each other, I think the outcome would be disastrous. And how would you answer to somebody like Ecmandu who even proposes that parents should provide possibilities for their children to kill themselves, else they would be irresponsible. “Cheer up, enjoy yourself, life is good?”

The difference is consent.

Maybe there is something more important than mere existence.

Both sound like reasonable topics for philosophical discussion.

The morality of it is settled?

We can’t discuss anything because of what the crazies might do. The mantra of the modern age.

What about personal responsibility? Responsibility for your own life, for example.

Why is it wrong to commit murder?

Because it is blocking semen. Everyone is walking semens walking around, every sperm is sacred. It’s a complex form of cock-blocking. We view cock-blocking, forced celibacy and sexual stratification as evil because it’s the same thing as murder - semen blocking, essentially data loss and destroying history (genetic codes flushing down the toilet.) We view murder as evil for the same reason we view feminism as evil and cock-blocking as evil - it stops/erases the records of history and it stops the flow of energy.

Men murder their wives who leave them because it is to balance the future murder their wives commit of erasing their genetic potentials.


Whether suicide is murder or not, and aside from your moral judgement of the act, people must be able to talk about it, even in public, and work towards responsible communication and understanding. In the long run, we’ll gain even less by fearing to talk about such things, fearing to strive for better relationships and discussions.

Why do you think that freedom of speech is an unconditionally good thing?

Why does everyone have to ask questions and seek their answers in private or in public?

But that’s less relevant than: why is it wrong to commit murder?

Who determines, and how, the moral value of murder?