Why harmony/pleasure is the meaning of life (Not hedonism)

Philosophers search for the answers to the universe, the “secret” to the universe.

A secret, in terms of neuronal connections, can be one of two things. Something we already know, or some new data that has a new appearance.

So either the “secret” is the equivalant of finding a hidden wrench, you get the “ahah” moment of discovering it’s location.
Or some new data that has a new appearance. But our brains can only think in x amount of ways, so again this new data would just serve as a novelty.
Lets say we discovered that we live in VR, or the equation behind gravity, it would just be a novelty, pleasure seeking until our mind came to terms with it and wore off.

Ultimately, the new knowledge would become a tool, a tool to enhance our pleasure/harmony and enrich our lives.
If for example, we discovered that life was VR, that would change our goals and behavoirs and in essence possibly direct us towards gaining more power over our destiny, ultimately to enhance our pleasure/harmony.

Philosophies which denounce pleasure are viewed as “profound” since they spit on this paradigm in the desperate attempts to bring new novelty to the mind, which is viewed as pleasurable in of itself.

Anti-hedonism, isn’t really anti-pleasure, because the aesthetics of preserve a culture is kind of a pleasure of it’s own self, anti-decadence and anti-hedonism is more along Lorem ipsum, Long term pleasure vs. the hedonistic immediate pleasure and long-term potential suffering.

Ultimately, when you learn a secret of the universe, it is the equivalent of watching a youtube poop, satisfies your neurons for a while then you use it as a tool to improve your power and destiny.