Did an identity trade create reality?

Is reality because of an act of inversion, allowing the big bang?

If identity existed prior to existence [before its means?], then there would have been a schism yes.

If you place all identity [or identifiers] and all things into the cosmic blender, we end up with no identity and no things, but everything has gone in there.

All in all, I’d suggest that identity is not a fundamental? Then that there is no schism at root, instead you get weightedness, polarity - in an emptiness. This doesn’t have distinction to a degree we are familiar with, it is one thing being stretched in two, but it cannot actually do that. In the world don’t we get that, in say, the way we are something of a compromise between mind and world. We know our subconscious and brain generally are delivering info from the world, and that isn’t always what we want it to be. To have total command, there would need to be an identity as a distinct entity, instead all parties have partial command in a shared reality.

I think that bias is the only logical means to reality. Relative to itself, I think that anything needs inversion, which is obviously an error yet without resolution.
If life in the universe can resolve the error, the question that follows is this:

Is it fair, that replication is its own annihilator, given that the anti of replication was never possible without replication originally?