do you compose your dreams?

do you compose your dreams? Or is that something happening in the world?

So I got to thinking that the only resolution to the problem whereby the world cannot draw itself completely [aka 'the fully painted picture reveals an empty canvas], is that it is drawing itself as it is. Just like the brain composes its perspective view of reality, the world is manifesting the general 3D landscape or ‘gameworld’.

It comes to the point where we can ask where the world stops, and where we begin – so to say. My initial thoughts are that the world doesn’t have edges to what it draws/composes/manifests, and that we are >in< that compositions. Nature cannot see the golden sunset from a beach, because it sees everything at once. like the world a computer generates, as opposed to 1rst or third person view the ‘player’ see it from. However if there is no separation, no ‘inside’, then nature is also you seeing the sunset [I feel it revels in that]. …nature is drawing the whole picture as it presents itself.

Light and life

I can’t remember ever consciously composing the dreams I have, nor the world which my brain generates, and certainly not the world the world generates. I think the light one observes in the mind ~ in dreams or the ‘internal’ drawn world, is composed as a factor of light et al. In other words, the light in ones mind is sharing information with the light generally and the whole thing is one [as light generally is [C]].

if we now ask what are the differences between living and non-living things, it is em functionality. Light and other variants on the electromagnetic spectrum, are the communicators between things [and themselves]. A dead cell emits no light nor information pertaining to individualised existence, to e.g. something living as opposed to something merely animated. For animation to also be living, it appears there has to be information feedback in a continual loop. Stop that loop and there is then no life there.

Perhaps if light [em] is life, then even the dead things are alive ~ but not in the individualised sense. The light pours into and is generated in the mind illuminating it, and that is the thing which is giving the otherwise dead chemicals life. I am not saying that chemicals are dead, as I think everything is alive in some sense, I am just trying to draw it all out and place different living things in their respective denominations. There is no life and death, there is only bias between epicentres of life.
