Existence as positive negation

“Only ex-istence which cuts against the grain stands out - all else is swallowed up by the warp and weft.” - Bill

And all beings are against the grain, the grain is what one means when one says god, it has no substance but the friction of contrastandardization-fieds known as gravity, electricity, etc.

Only human and invertebrates are capable of not existing, of being in the grain -
but humans only psychically. Psychic worms. In fact I venture most of the world works like that.

A North Korea could not exist elsewhere in nature. A backwash from the meme of Utopia; no animal conceives in this way, outside of itself; and what is existent in such humans is only the animal and plant life they digest.

What if the wisest most intelligent person chose not to stand out? And/or refused to fight against the wind?

“Eliminate your means so as to reduce your ends, i.e., your desire? - but is that not too a … desire?” [ibid]

Or, increase your means as that is the meat of the method. Increase your potential ends and you are surely more unlimited. The desire aspect; well if we are considering the means to be ‘of desire’, the method is also a desire. But I would’t say the means are >of desire<. They would include desire and that would be manifest of the root causality, patterns and what have you [info/values], but desire can change upon an appearance e.g. of beauty also. So there seems to be a cyclicity > the inner moving outwards [causes/info into the observation field], and the out [world] moving inwards.

If you have a single line running through all of that [if your supposition is achieved [the overman I assume]] dynamism presented to us by the world, then you have only one direction.

Such a mind would at most rise to prominence for a short time, but the world around them would grow beyond that [via said dynamism].